Went to see a certain escort the other day. We did the business, had a great time. Afterwards I needed to go the toilet. I was in there maybe 5 minutes and things were coming along nicely, having a nice read of the paper, giving myself the occasional tug, it was good. I was nearly ready to drop the stones when a hear a bang on the door. Well, I continued on and told her to give me a minute. She gave me about 20 seconds until she opened the door. Stuff had just began to come out when she barged in. She started hitting me and told me to get out again, I'm still sitting on the bog at this stage. I had to maneuver it back up and left swiftly. I had to run across town with a filthy ring and still make sure I didn't let anything 'slip'. Eventually got into the toilet in Debenham's and sorted things out.

It was a harrowing experience and I certainly hope nobody runs into the same kind of problems I had. Keep away from the mad slag staying in the rat-infested house near Leisureplex.