When did people actually start having dates online? Is it the new norm?. Let me explain, so last night I was a little surprised when my phone rang and my Nephew's name appeared on the screen. I genuinely thought he only knew how to communicate via WhatsApp. Of course he was looking for something and he wanted me to ask his Aunt my wife if he could stay over at ours tonight as he is meeting his girlfriend in person for the first time tonight and she lives close to us so it would be better if he could stay here. Naturally I said yea of course, but I was curious as to how he was only meeting his girlfriend for the first time. He proceeded to tell me they have already had 3 online dates already via video calls through some app. The most recent being on Tuesday evening when they had dinner and watched a movie together via video call. I didn't know this was a thing. He told me his current "girlfriend" isn't the first girl he's had online dates with but she's the first girl he's actually going to meet up with. Apparently having dates online is safer for both participants as both of you are at home in a safe place so there is less awkwardness and that makes getting to know eachother easier before actually meeting. It got my thinking last night about how I meet my wife in a night club all those years ago in a club in town and how i needed a shot of jager to give me the courage to go and talk to her and how much life was simpler back then. it also makes a better story to tell the grandkids in the future.