Quote Originally Posted by Palatine View Post
I've been to Jerusalem many times. I'm describing what I see. Yes Jerusalem is now completely part of Israel since the failed attempt to destroy the country in 67. But

the holy sites for Muslims are still absolutely controlled by Muslims.

Only difference is Jews are now allowed pray on the tiny section of the Temple Mount that they're allowed to access.
Quote Originally Posted by Palatine View Post
They literally didn't. When Jordan was occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem Jews were forbidden from visiting the wailing wall. This is part of the Temple Mount which is pretty much the only sacred site in Judaism. Since 1967 the Temple Mount is still 99% controlled by Muslims. Unlike when the Jordanians and local East Jerusalem arabs had control, Jews can now visit the wailing wall, and if you're respectful (and a man), you can visit it too.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre - holy to all Christians is open to all, and the keys to it are controlled by a Muslim family (because local Christian groups couldn't agree among themselves).

In fact I can't think of one holy site in Jerusalem that is controlled by the Israelis. If you walk the streets of Jerusalem you'll see all religions in all parts of the city. Christians follow the path of the crucifixion on the same ancient streets where Palestine flags and tshirts are for sale openly. Arabs will sell you crosses and other Christian paraphenalia. On Fridays the call to prayer echoes across the city from the Al Aqsa mosque on top of Judaism's holiest site while Jews say prayers on the ruins of a wall below. One reason that the Israelis will never again give up East Jerusalem is because they know they will be banned from the wall like they were for 20 years when the arabs last controlled it. Muslims were never banned from anywhere on Temple Mount while Israel has controlled the city.
Oh the wonders of disappearing posts .

Here is Al Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan : the holiest Muslim holiday >>
