Note the i said woman and not neccessarily an escort.I say this because i have read it on the site here but also have seen it in real life too.

A guy meets a girl he likes and then has a prob about her age.Take escorts for example.I see every now and then in reviews where a guy has a good enough time but questions the womans age.Who the hell cares?I dont.

I dont think i have ever met a woman i liked and had a problem with her age.In fact i have never met a woman i liked and even thought about her age unless she looked like she was reinacting her school play.

I really do think women get a hard time and a very unfair time from some guys because of their age or should i say because of suspiscion of their age.Its something i just dont get and never will get it either.You either like someone or not and age shouldnt come into it bar underage.
