possing in Cork for a change so i decided to get a thai massage.Horay off down the road skipping and whistling.

Anyway i called into a place and had the massage and near the end she points at the boyo and said "U wan massa?" Before i could say anything she holds up four fingers in front of me and i said ok sweetie.
Now here is where i had the laugh.I paid her for the massage and then gave her four euros Well she did have four fingers up and i didnt see any 0's.That was a good laugh.She had a sense of humour too.Spent about ten mins explaining to her what she could buy for €4.00 ranging from a can and two cakes to a breakfast roll and a packet of peanuts or an apple.

WARNING ; for guys thinking of this,i get away (god knows how) with saying and doing things like this without offending ppl.So if you get barred tough shit.

Dont pm me either.Im a straight man,