Every time I visit an escort I ask her to wear a mini skirt. Mini skirts are so feminine, so womany, so girly, it signals to me, time to have sex. A mini skirt is a devious erection inducing device, designed to catch and ensnare the attention of straight males. During the warm weather of the recent summer, mini skirts were out in force, they were everywhere, one in particular stuck in my mind; mid july, the heatwave, Queen street in Dublin, A blonde stunner walking along, slim and tanned, she wore white high heels, a white mini skirt, and tight black blouse, to say I got an erection in my pants would be an understatement, I could hardly walk, such was the strenght of that erection. Now I was having good regular sex back then, thanks to an ex girlfriend, dumped by her fiancee, I was ejectulating 2 or 3 times a week, but the image of that stunner in the white mini skirt fuelled all my kinky desires for weeks afterwards.
What is this attraction to mini skirts? I d say, that quite simply it comes down to the curvey display of smooth shapely soft legs . So so feminine, so so girly . . . .