Quote Originally Posted by pegmyass85 View Post
One countries terrorist is another countries freedom fighter. Were those Irishmen who picked up gun's during the war independence and used guerilla warfare against the British terrorist?? The IDF were not doing their job. Their job just to defend Israeli territory not be invade Palestine land and kill those that live there.

The IDF also bombed Syria last night killing Syrian soldiers.
This something that we also disagree on. Ireland was born out of terrorism. Michael Collins was the guy who came up with the terrorist cell that is used all over the world by murdering cowards. Collins is still taught in counter-terrorism training today. I suppose you also think the Provisional IRA and the INLA are freedom fighters too, or the dissident terrorists who murdered Lera McKee are really heros according to your argument. Terrorists kill people, they have no regard for noncombatants and play by no rules of engagement. Most terrorism always goes hand in hand with organised crime. The problem with most little red hyper-socialists like you is that you have never sat across the table from someone who's loved one was murdered by terrorists, unfortunately I have and it isn't very nice. Over the years I have also met many former terrorists, many say that they wasted their lives behind bars for a cause that wasn't worth it. It is safe sitting behind a computer spouting militant crap, but there is a whole big bad terrible real world out there that isn't black and white.