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Thread: Value for money?

  1. Default Value for money?

    I didn't want to tank this Mistress by writing about this on her reviews but I just wanted to know what anyone else thought of this?

    I went to see a certain Mistress (one who only offers domination and no sexual services) at the weekend who I won't name for now. I booked for one hour from 16.00-17.00
    She was vague about the location and kind of drip feeds me information until I get to a certain spot and then tells me to call her when I get there.
    I get to said certain spot and call her. She doesn't answer and then sends me a kind of snotty text saying I'm 7 minutes early and to call her at 16.00.
    The only reason I called was that I still didn't know the exact location and could have been 5/10 minutes away still for all I knew.

    Anyway I call her at 16.00, no answer.
    I call her about 3 minutes later, no answer.
    I wait about another 3 minutes and call again and this time she answers and tells me where to go. It's about a 2/3 minute walk away so by the time I get in the door it must be close to 10 past.

    We get into the session and it goes well. We finish, she's pleasant to talk to afterwards, I get dressed and get my stuff together and head out the door, all under her direction.
    As soon as I'm outside I check my phone and it's 16.59. So basically the session started about 10 minutes late and she was sure to get me back out the door before that hour was even up. Out of a 60 minute session I lost about 10 minutes.
    The thing is that she charges €250 and hour so losing 10 minutes of that hour is like being ripped off to the tune of €40, a little more, even.
    Value for money is a part of the review system and I just felt that, that was not great value for money.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    That is the point of review. If you not happy put up review. If you wish Private message me . I will tell if I have seeing the lady before.

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