Quote Originally Posted by blankmannn View Post
I was PMed. told to read your message here....

let's have a look

(a) which car? I have 2, one is a merc, the other is a Ford Mustang, vintage.

(b) Blankmann, Blankman and Blankmannn are popular user names let's see if you can find anything to stick on me.

(c) the other day you were saying I'm 15, now I have a car? Make up your mind sonny.

you're off ignore just to see how much of an idiot you make out of yourself with continued threats.

Gimme your best shot


PS. like my signature?


Surely you don't think I was talking about you.

Just a generic warning if it happens to fit you pure coincidence

Yes I like your sig makes you look like a bigger moron considering you had to reply to my post and you are sending me private messages LMAO

PS nice cars but not the truth

15th of October was a busy day