But I want to say it again

The worst apartments ive been in had kids running around on the street outside the enterance, one had an open planned atrium around the doors for the apartments - meaning anyone walking on any floor could have seen you and another had a open public garden just outside the bedroom window on the first floor. Escorts could try not to be escorting in an area with kids and remember first floor apartments are shite anyway, so why would you escort from one?

another thing ladies

if your enterance door buzzer doesnt work, get it fixed call the management company and have them send someone down immediately. its fucking ridiculous that in the 21st century we have to wait for you to come down 5 flights of stairs, dressed like chavs at worst - boring looking mrs. jumper and jeans at best to let us in.

lastly - the problem of directions for apartments is true - hanging around some area with your phone in your hand looking like nobhead isnt fun.

so to solve this, i reckon girls should embrace the latest technology - GPS - or GoogleMaps - either send us coordinants after making a booking or a link to google maps of where u can me found

please dont make me ring you while i am in the city and i ask where u are, only for you to say "smithfield" or "parnell st"

they are big places and you could be anywhere