Man who exposed Jimmy Savile claims there's another 'untouchable' paedophile he's trying to bring down

The man who exposed Jimmy Savile's sickening crimes has revealed there's another 'untouchable' paedophile he's trying to bring down.Criminologist and former police detective Mark Williams-Thomas is known for uncovering the evil sex abuser in the 2012 ITV documentary The Other Side of Jimmy Savile, which exposed Savile as a prolific child sex abuser.
Following the documentary and subsequent coverage on the claims, police launched Operation Yewtree, a widespread investigation into the child sex abuse allegations made against the former DJ.
Though the true scale of the abuse – spanning six decades and involving hundreds of victims – was brought to light, Savile died in 2011 at the age of 84, and he was never brought to justice.

Williams-Thomas, an investigative journalist and sex abuse victim advocate, is now concerned that the same will happen again.
In a conversation with inews, he said: "There are still people out there who are untouchable.
"There is one very significant person who I’ve done everything to try and get prosecuted because he is clearly a child sex offender.
“To date the CPS won’t prosecute. The police and I have tried really hard to get there
"He will die in due course and then the floodgates will open in the same way they did with Savile. That’s not right. But justice takes many different forms."
The child protection expert who previously worked as a detective and family liaison officer with Surrey Police added: "The truth is no broadcaster would have done a programme about Savile when he was alive.
"We live in a society where there are some people you can’t take on and that’s really sad."
Earlier this year, Williams-Thomas opened up about Netflix's docu-series Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story, expressing concern that it puts victims in a painful position.
Speaking on an April episode of This Morning, Williams-Thomas said: "My slight worry is that it sensationalises it rather than demonise him as an individual.
"I do worry as far as victims go, it’s one of the things that strongly gets criticised now when the story’s talked about, [is] seeing his face – his picture on the front page."
He continued: "When we started looking at this, the Metropolitan police came to see me three days after the case hit the headlines, and I remember sitting with [an officer] in ITV Towers, and he said to me, ‘I reckon there’s probably 30 victims’, and I said ‘more like 500’.
"Of course, that’s what it turned out to be. But for those victims to see his face consistently over and over again, that is very traumatic for them.
"And what we mustn’t forget, of course, is that it’s great to tell a story, but what we mustn't forget is the victims – who have been through so much torment – to be in this position."
A Jimmy Savile survivor has bravely spoken out after helping to expose the prolific paedophile 10 years ago.
Angie, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, appeared on the 2012 documentary that sparked a police investigation into the horrific crimes of the late sex offender.
Criminologist and former police detective Mark Williams-Thomas' The Other Side of Jimmy Savile saw five women open up about the sexual abuse they suffered at the hands of Savile.
Ten years since its release, Angie sat down for an interview with The Mirror to speak further about her experiences.
The retired carer from the south of England, who is now in her 60s, was just 15 years old when the Jim'll Fix It presenter groomed and abused her.Like so many people across the UK, she had watched the media personality on Top of the Pops and was a huge music fan.
In the late 1960s, Angie was invited to meet Savile at Radio Luxembourg's London studios where he was a DJ
"He was very *flamboyant and said he thought I was OK, that’s how the grooming process all started," she told the outlet.
"He invited me to different places where there were lots of other people around so it felt safe and exciting."
After a few weeks, Savile invited her to a hotel where she was raped, adding: "He was much older than me and I didn’t know what was happening.
"I was shocked. Kids in those days didn’t talk about sex, I had no idea about anything like that. I was absolutely frightened, it was all so scary and I froze.
"Afterwards he treated me as though I didn’t even exist, as though nothing had happened. I was told to go, it was as brutal as that.
"He was a very good manipulator. He was very clever because you didn’t quite realise what was going on, yet at the same time he told all these funny stories."
Much like other survivors, Savile used intimidation tactics to keep Angie quiet. He would also operate in plain sight, even giving Angie a copy of his autobiography which he signed 'no escape' from 'your keeper'.
"I know he was connected to the criminal underworld and it was made clear that whatever he did you just did not say anything, you kept your mouth shut," she said.
"I was told at the time he knew the Krays. He menaced us with the *presence of minders from the underworld. So it wasn’t just abuse that we suffered, but fear for our lives."
As for where she's at now, Angie explained that she's 'still suffering quite badly', adding: "I developed depression and have had counselling. Though I continue my life, it’s always been present."
The former carer felt safe enough to come forward after Savile died in 2011, and when Williams-Thomas fought to get the story out there a year later in the ITV documentary, she felt compelled to share her truth.
Following the documentary and subsequent coverage on the claims, police launched Operation Yewtree, a widespread investigation into the child sex abuse allegations made against the former DJ.
Amid the investigation, the failures of the BBC, the NHS and the UK justice system were also placed under the spotlight, leading to a reform of child protection in the UK.
"Our documentary has made a huge difference to so many lives," said Angie.
"Without Mark we wouldn’t be where we are now. He had a difficult time getting the documentary to air, but he fought and achieved it.
"He did not give up on it, nor us five victims."