Quote Originally Posted by Joelegs View Post
You can point your finger at the West, the Brits and US, but a lot of places are very F*****D UP over there. Women are treated like s***t by their laws and culture. lt's great to be all self-righteous when we are safe and sound at home, behind a keyboard, but bad stuff happens in violent places in the real world where troops are in contact.

It's no fun when a big F****r with a big beard and big gun is shooting at a soldier who didn't ask to be sent there. All they want is to do is make it home to their family. The bad guys are the pen pushers and extremists who start wars without thinking about the rest of the ordinary people who are affected by their actions.
I'm sure the Russian conscripts in Ukraine don't want to be there and would rather be at home with their families.
So why not apply the same excuse for Russian troops as you would US troops. And before you mention targeting civilians.
When the US invaded Iraq the war cost hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives. They carpet bomb cities from the air and with artillery. They hit hospitals schools and other heavily civilian populated areas. Did they care no. This was as Bush put it SHOCK AND AWE. Yet aside from a few anti war statements every now and then nobody did anything to them. We all got on with our lives as normal.
Yet when Russia invades Ukraine, everyone suddenly becomes an expert all things russian are evil and need to be banned.
Somehow Putin is evil but Bush is a good man.
The hypocrisy is unreal.