Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
As I explained in PM 69:

It was me who checked the IPs and they matched.

You logged on via an Anonymouse.org IP.

The shit pic poster also logged on by that same Anonymouse.org IP.

I can believe it is possible you didn't post the shit pics.

Perhaps you and another person both use Anonymouse.org to hide your IP and Anonymouse.org gave you both the same IP?

But, if you are not here to cause trouble, why do you use Anonymouse?

Why not log on like any normal user instead of go through a proxy to try to hide your real IP?

If what you are saying is true, this misunderstanding would not have occurred but for your own attempts to hide behind a proxy IP, the same proxy IP some else did use to post shit pics.

If you have a crazy flatmate who posts crap on this site from your shared internet connection, you will get banned along with him when this happens. If you share a proxy server with a crazy arsehole, you will get banned along with him when shit pics are posted all over this site.

Maybe it's time you evaluated the company you keep?

Pat x
You Tell 'em Lady.

They are bringing everybody down around here. Some serious bad karma from some real negative dudes.

Pass the spliff and show us your tits momma !