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Thread: Coming new Age

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Hmmm...

    I think we can shelve the 2012 bollox alongside the 2000 bollox, which is just next to the 1984 bollox.

    This crops up quite regularly in various guises. My favourite is the Nostradamus bollox, where they interpret some obscure quatrain to be a warming of immense global calamity:

    In the time of the Cow of the Street of Kildare, all who see the painted hussy of Punt shall cry "reduction" and shall not indulge the extras of her likes. Indeed the ladies shall flee-ith to the warm beaches of the Medde and soaketh up rays until agin the seeker may remit all that is her due!

    Now, I think we can all agree with that!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cooldude View Post
    According to the mayan or current age ends 2012

    It is the end of a great year . The Sun conjoines with the Milky Way the plane of the ecliptic every 25,800 years ago and guess what day it lands on December 21, 2012 as one cycle ends so another begins however note that we are shifting, astrologically, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Great Cycle we are currently in began on August 11, 3114 BCE.

    End of cycles bring great change some lead to nuclear war or to a golden age a rise of Spirality this is not mans first cycle on earth.The Fifth World is either the present world or the next world, in several Native American beliefs which center around a cyclical understanding of time. According to both Native American Hopi mythology and Maya mythology, the current world we inhabit is the "Fourth World." In both belief systems, time is cyclical, and the end of one world is the beginning of the next. For the Hopi, the end of the fourth world is marked by the arrival of Pahana, or the lost "White Brother." The Maya calendar charts out this progression through astrology, concluding that the current, fourth world will end sometime near the December solstice in 2012 (dates vary based on interpretation).

    The Aztecs held similar beliefs, but they believed we are currently in the fifth world, and that it is the sixth world that is to arrive next

    Each of these worlds lasted a full cycle ie 25,800 years . Civilisation has risen and fallen through out the ages. Time is repeats the ages are gold silver bronze iron bronze silver gold time both day and night .The age we are in is bronze asscending cycle time is a circle with both ascending and descending. As to why time repears my source is Lost Star of Myth and Time which says that the Sun orbits another Star why then do we not see a second Sun. The book gives many possible answers none as yet definate but a work in progress one main points is that of all stars as yet found more than 80 percent are binary why is our sun special

    Lost Star of Myth and Time: Walter Cruttenden: Books

    Come 2012 there will be no judement day as the bible says God accepts and love all gives to all he never judges helps where he is allowned only mankind judges mankind. However note that at end of the previous ages a huge event.

    The first world was destroyed, as a punishment for human misdemeanors, by an all-consuming fire that came from above and below. The second world ended when the terrestrial globe toppled from its axis and everything was covered with ice. The third world ended in a universal flood.

    The Aztecs believed the world went through four creations and destruction's. Each sun depicted on the Sun Stone is a period identified with a certain event that ended it. The Aztecs believed the first world belonged to the giants who died because of hunger.

    What caused the starvation? Was it perhaps a change of the climate, a drought? The second sun was ended by strong wind and the third sun was destroyed because of quakes, storms, and rain of fiery ashes. Finally, water ended the fourth sun, thus the Great Flood. We are now living in the fifth sun, which is characterized by great wars and diseases. It is said that earthquakes will end this world

    Alternative History: When Will the World End - 2012?
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  3. #13
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    Default Well

    Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post
    Cool Dude.

    You are right we are bollixed in 2012.

    (1) The Mayans said so.
    (2) Nostradamus said so
    (3) Saint Malchy said so (we are currently on the second last pope)

    Thats why I am getting as many shags in as I can
    i thought Nostradamus got this wrong.I think i read somewhere before that he said it would happen on a date that has passed up already.


  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
    i thought Nostradamus got this wrong.I think i read somewhere before that he said it would happen on a date that has passed up already.

    Actually looking at a documentary recently.

    The have given a period of 6 years or so when the horrid things that Nostradamus predicted can come true.

    2012 is included in this period

  5. #15
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    Default Maybe so

    Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post
    Actually looking at a documentary recently.

    The have given a period of 6 years or so when the horrid things that Nostradamus predicted can come true.

    2012 is included in this period
    but im 100% certain that dates that Nostradamus gave previously have passed.Not sure what those dates were for but i think that the end of the world was one of them.Having said that he predicted lots of things that happened but he didnt give dates for lots of them.


  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post

    but im 100% certain that dates that Nostradamus gave previously have passed...
    You are correct.

    The "experts" deduce these predictions from his writings - and he wrote a lot of quatrains.

    I believe that, according to the "scholars" the world was supposed to collapse due to some terrible calamity (they said probably nuclear war) towards the end of 1999.

  7. #17
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    St Malachy an Irish saint predicted all the popes until the end of thge world.

    We are by most peoples reckoning on the 2nd last pope.
    This timing is uncanningly close to the Mayans end of the world

    The last pope is called the "Black Pope".

    This could mean a Black Guy becomes a pope or others think it may be a black (evil) heart.

    Some people think there may have been a slight mis-calculation and we are actually on our last Pope.

    I have already pointed out in a previous post that the current pope is a former NAZI.

    What other fucking evidence do you need lads.

    Build your bunker in your back garden before it's too late.

    PS. Be sure to Fuck as many brassers in the meantime

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