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Thread: tall eastern europeans

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default no laughing at me!

    I'm 6ft 4' & a big mickey, dont ya just love those EE girls with their perfect figures & make-up they'd marry Westside for his dole

  2. #22


    Interesting responses....reckon a lot of guys just love these tall amazons from the east. So I choose to look a small barazilian in the eye or a tall russian in the tits. I think I will choose the latter ven if they have a giggle at me when I leave.....I kinda like it when they are in agencies etc take note. As for the 6ft 3ins donkey who responded, visit monica in Cork, she is that in her stocking feet, in her heels she will make u feel like a dwarf.. The eastern european girls tend to understate their height whilst the brazilians grossly overstate it. Example....Mariana Brazilian claims to be 185cms but is more like 173cms. Gabriella from prague says she is 185cms but she was more like 190 when I saw her. She had no english at all but her friend Marsha, 178 claimed..180 in reality, told me that a lot of eastern girls put smaller height because they think us small guys will be put off. Well girls your wrong, us leprauchans just love u long legged tall goddesses.

  3. Default

    I actually have a theory about this... you know how most of our parents' generation are shorter than us? That's down to better nutrition, better health, better quality food etc., right? I'm not sure sure about that anymore...

    Firstly, we eat way too much refined high-energy foods, this includes bread and cereals. Our evolutionary ancestors never had that. The more you feed an infant, the faster they'll grow, the faster they'll get to puberty, the older they'll look faster. If they ate just raw food they wouldn't develop like that. Virtually ALL infants are being this high-energy diet these days, otherwise they're thought of as not being nourished enough.

    This is also why menarche is 17 or 18+ in countries like China that have a raw plant-based diet, but 11 or 12 in the United States. I'm going to take a wild stab and say that it could even be the reason for menopause in females while it's virtually nonexistant in other primate species. In a study that set out to prove that raw foods aren't great, women who eat nothing but raw foods ate far less and actually stopped menstruating. I bet that after a while the women would start menstruating again but at a slower pace, use their eggs up far more slowly and then maybe their reproductive lifespan would last the whole of their lives. That's how it makes evolutionary sense.

    Milk and dairy products etc. are also LACED with growth hormones AND calcium, in far greater quantaties than we were ever evolved to receive. That's why people grow so tall today, whereas in Asian plant-based-diet countries, the people grow shorter and live longer and are more healthy.

    Us being taller doesn't show that we're more healthy and going to live longer. It shows that we're LESS healthy and going to live SHORTER lives and be more miserable in our final years...!!!!!

    That's also why we need so much calcium, far more than we would get on a raw evolutionary plant-based diet. We've built up our bones too much, they're too long and fragile. People who don't take dairy products AND also don't take calcium supplements are notorious for getting bone fractures and horrible diseases like osteoporosis, past a certain age everyone is at risk of those things if they don't make sure to get them, the lankier you are the worse off you are.

    Also on a slightly different topic but have you ever noticed that young people in north-eastern europe are really thin and old people are really fat??? It happens everywhere to an extent but over there to a *ridiculous* amount!!!!!! Maybe it's due to the cold or something. Also I think they drink farrrrr more alcohol than Irish people, especially vodka...
    Last edited by thereturnofnicegirlsrnice; 26-07-09 at 15:15.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thereturnofnicegirlsrnice View Post
    I actually have a theory about this... you know how most of our parents' generation are smaller than us? That's down to better nutrition, better health, better quality food etc., right? I'm not sure sure about that anymore...

    Firstly, we eat way too much refined high-energy foods, this includes bread and cereals. Our evolutionary ancestors never had that. The more you feed an infant, the faster they'll grow, the faster they'll get to puberty. Virtually ALL infants are being this high-energy diet these days, otherwise they're thought of as not being nourished enough.

    This is also why menarche is 17 or 18+ in countries like China that have a raw plant-based diet, but 11 or 12 in the United States. I'm going to take a wild stab and say that it could even be the reason for menopause in females while it's virtually nonexistant in other primate species. In a study that set out to prove that raw foods aren't great, women who eat nothing but raw foods ate far less and actually stopped menstruating. I bet that after a while the women would start menstruating again but at a slower pace, use their eggs up far more slowly and then maybe their reproductive lifespan would last the whole of their lives. That's how it makes evolutionary sense.

    Milk and dairy products etc. are also LACED with growth hormones AND calcium, in far greater quantaties than we were ever evolved to receive. That's why people grow so tall today, whereas in Asian plant-based-diet countries, the people grow shorter and live longer and are more healthy.

    Us being taller doesn't show that we're more healthy and going to live longer. It shows that we're LESS healthy and going to live SHORTER lives and be more miserable in our final years...!!!!!

    That's also why we need so much calcium, far more than we would get on a raw evolutionary plant-based diet. We've built up our bones too much, they're too long and fragile. People who don't take dairy products AND also don't take calcium supplements are notorious for getting bone fractures and horrible diseases like osteoporosis, past a certain age everyone is at risk of those things if they don't make sure to get them, the lankier you are the worse off you are.

    Also on a slightly different topic but have you ever noticed that young people in north-eastern europe are really thin and old people are really fat??? It happens everywhere to an extent but over there to a *ridiculous* amount!!!!!! Maybe it's due to the cold or something. Also I think they drink farrrrr more alcohol than Irish people, especially vodka...
    I think it's all the McDonalds you ate.

    Once a prick - always a prick.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Nicegirlsarenice theres another week added to your ban. When your banned your not allowed to post as any profile you have untill your ban is served.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Nicegirlsarenice theres another week added to your ban. When your banned your not allowed to post as any profile you have untill your ban is served.

    how u know it was him,

    more like a childs playground everyday with the teachers shitting themselves that some one that is corrected by them will back answer.


  7. #27

    Default well

    we ve hitler and stalin to tahnk for east europes riches of good looks they killed off the ugly ones and left just the good looking ones. after all the men were killed in the wars the survivors chose to reproduce with the best looking. as a result the ugly parts of the natiosn were effectively bread out.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by donis77 View Post
    we ve hitler and stalin to tahnk for east europes riches of good looks they killed off the ugly ones and left just the good looking ones. after all the men were killed in the wars the survivors chose to reproduce with the best looking. as a result the ugly parts of the natiosn were effectively bread out.

    is that your own theory or did you read it in a history book

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by donis77 View Post
    we ve hitler and stalin to tahnk for east europes riches of good looks they killed off the ugly ones and left just the good looking ones. after all the men were killed in the wars the survivors chose to reproduce with the best looking. as a result the ugly parts of the natiosn were effectively bread out.
    very smart have to say. Do you have more wisdom to share with us?
    I think some more nationalistically based people could be take this as a big offense.

    I just shut up now because i have my opinions at why some nations are the way they are. And some of these nations could be nationalistically based.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Smaller women are better for certain sexual activities such as being taken from behind in a standing position or holding them up in your arms while facing you. In terms of 69, I've had women who were both a lot shorter and a lot taller than me and this made this position difficult to achieve. Of course on the horizontal for missionary or doggy it makes damn all difference.

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