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Thread: What is the most woke country in the world today?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Woke is a right wing phrase as meaningful as bollixology. It's a social media attack word, but social media is a modern place for wannabe wokes to embarrass themselves. I'm in favour of free speech obviously, but please fellow left wingers don't become irrelevant by letting overly sensitive tools turn the left into a soft, vacuous, lifestyle choice.

    A black person is a person with dark skin.
    A woman is a person without a dick.
    A forienger is a person born outside Ireland.
    A gay is attracted to people of their own sex.
    A poor person has little or no money.
    An alcoholic drinks too much.
    A drug addict uses drugs frequently.
    And on and on and on........

  2. #12


    A Mouse With Breasts Caused This game Dev Emotional Distress

  3. #13


    What a woke article that reads like it was written by the smiths PR team.

    Trying to make the Smiths the victims in all this. Like they don’t bring it on themselves. Also Jada Smith made her movie breakthrough in the 1993 film Menace 2 society and not the 1994 Keenen Ivory Wayans action comedy (comedy lol) A Low Down Dirty Shame like this journalist claims.

    Dismissing such a great film like Menace 2 Society is highly disrespectful to the Hughes Brothers who made Menace 2 Society, Dead Presidents and the Jack The Ripper movie, From Hell. Disrespect comes second nature to the Smith family, even back during the fresh prince of bell air days, Will Smith was highly disrespectful of his fellow cast members, especially when it came to wages.

    Of course, im sure his raise at the time had nothing to do with Smith having to pay back millions in unpaid taxes because of money he failed to declare during his rap career. Most recently however Mrs Smith along with others slut shammed a sex worker who was a guest on her show. They also slut shammed sex workers during the same show.

    But yeah the Smiths are really the victims after Will assults the host of the Oscars and then has a major childish meltdown shouting curse words at the host from his sit.

  4. #14


    It’s only a very small amount of people who actually care about pronouns and bathroom signs. Boomers are way more easily offended by younger people too

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ActionBronson For This Useful Post:

    Reflexxx (12-05-22), Rockerman (30-03-22)

  6. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by ActionBronson View Post
    It’s only a very small amount of people who actually care about pronouns and bathroom signs. Boomers are way more easily offended by younger people too
    That’s simply not true. If you look at the bios of politicians on the left they have pronouns, if you look at celebrities with left wing political views they have pronouns. They even made a cringe video supporting the use of pronouns Not only that, they attack other actors who don’t use pronouns online. Even if those they are attacking are members and life long activists from the LGBTQ community. VOD platforms push pronouns like Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney etc.

    Sorry i dont understand what you mean about bathroom signs?

  7. #16


    The bathroom signs was a reply to someone else in the thread, pronouns in someone’s bio isn’t really a big deal and most people don’t even mention it in real life. It’s big on social media but if you talk to people in the real world no one even mentions it

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to ActionBronson For This Useful Post:

    Rockerman (30-03-22)

  9. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by ActionBronson View Post
    The bathroom signs was a reply to someone else in the thread, pronouns in someone’s bio isn’t really a big deal and most people don’t even mention it in real life. It’s big on social media but if you talk to people in the real world no one even mentions it
    Yes they do. You must live a very sheltered life .

  10. #18


    Yea some politicians and “influencers” talk about it in real life but honestly has anyone actually mentioned pronouns to you in real life, i maybe met 1 person who was actually serious about them. Everyone I work with or went to university with could care less about them.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to ActionBronson For This Useful Post:

    Rockerman (30-03-22)

  12. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by ActionBronson View Post
    Yea some politicians and “influencers” talk about it in real life but honestly has anyone actually mentioned pronouns to you in real life, i maybe met 1 person who was actually serious about them. Everyone I work with or went to university with could care less about them.
    See you started of saying its only a small amount of people who use them, then you said no one uses pronouns in real life, now you are saying some people do. Make your mind up man!

  13. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    USA and Canada, with the rest of the 'West' quickly following suit. Thankfully the world is slowly but surely waking up to this nonsense. Whether it's gender identity, the Black-Lives-Matter, femi-nazi-ism, militant veganism, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dub Lad View Post
    The term woke has been weaponised by the right to take its' original meaning of the term and use it do demean those on the left.
    Wrong. Those of us with rational and logic use it to demean anyone, left or right, who need a lethal dose of reality administered into their bloodstream. A better way of putting it even: anyone who subscribes to the idea of being/playing the victim, when they haven't been victimised by anyone; which admittedly is mostly those on the left, but left-wing/right-wing are equally as bad as each other as far as I'm concerned, because they're incapable of being objective. Nobody is born a victim. People become victims by the direct actions of others. This is the real 'woke' the world has come to know over recent years, aka people so up comfortable in life that they've never had to fight or work hard for anything a day in their lives.

    Look at that shit in the American swimming competition recently for example. How can anyone with even the most basic level of morality justify a male (i.e. man), competing against females (i.e. women) in an athletic competition? Let me lay a little revelation for all of you... Men and women ARE NOT equal... we will NEVER be equal... not biologically! It isn't just about testosterone either; men have greater bone density, muscle strength, etc. Men are typically stronger, faster, etc; whereas women are typically more creative, intuitive, etc. Why? Oh, just a little thing called evolution. See, that's arguably the biggest problem in the world right there, that's the cause of pretty much every issue in the world. And that is that we think we are outside of nature, that we are no longer part of it. We essentially think that we are gods. That everything on this planet is ours to do with as we wish. Not convinced? Okay... let's take one little word for a moment... 'animal'.

    People when they use the world 'animal', in what I would argue to be well over 99% of the time, use it as though it excludes humans... But it doesn't. We are animals, no more or less so than any other animal on the planet. The same rules that apply to the natural world apply to use, despite our enormous egos convincing us otherwise. Take the whole 'pronoun' thing for example, previously mentioned above. The woke claim, that 'gender' is separate to 'sex'... Okay, let's say for a moment that that is true (which of course it's not, and anyone who believes otherwise is either lying to themselves and extremely naive, or has been indoctrinated into what I can only at this point call a cult, or just wants to watch the world burn). So, gender is 'subjective' then... and pronouns are based on gender, right? Well then, it stands to reason that pronouns must be exclusive to a human's gender then doesn't it? Except... hmm.

    Anyone here have dogs in the family? I do, he is the bestest boy! His favourite hobby is stealing my shoes, but then he just uses his puppy dog eye look and I can never stay mad at him. I swear I've gone through a pair of shoes every month so far this year!

    ... Sorry what was I saying? Oh yes, pronouns, most definitely based on... Oh. Errr, well this is awkward. Dogs aren't, humans, are they...? Boy? Him? His? Errr, aren't these 'men' pronouns? But... they are used for dogs, and by extension other animals. But dogs aren't... humans... and if gender is exclusive to humans... but pronouns aren't exclusive to humans... then the common denominator is... sex!

    *dun dunn dunnnnnn*

    I don't have anything against 'trans people', I just refuse to be indoctrinated into this ideology. The biggest problem I have with this, and to be fair I'm talking about the vast minority (yes, minority) of this toxic and fascist LGBTQ+ community, is that they go around the place demanding to be heard and wanting to silence anyone that dares oppose them, i.e. they want to be immune from criticism, and completely lack and disprove of critical thinking (kinda like the Catholic Church actually...) If you take nothing away from this post, then let it be this.


    Try living in Russia. Then you'll understand what that really means!

    Gender Identity Disorder is real... the rest is simply a delusion. I've had my fair share of psychological disorders, particularly ones where your own brain lies to you and becomes your own worst enemy. So I can at least partially empathise with those with Gender Identity Disorder. But the rest... no.

    I say the minority of LGBTQ+ (though to be fair, this whole Q+ 'non-binary' shit is a load of attention seeking nonsense), because the vast majority are against this cult. Even most trans people are increasingly speaking out against this! Speaking out against women's sports being destroyed, speaking out against children as young as 2 YEARS OF AGE BEING URGED TO QUESTION THEIR GENDER IDENTITY?!?!?! That is child abuse, plain and simple! I have no problem with someone wanting to make their lives that little bit happier. It's your life, do so as you wish. My problem is when people try and force their beliefs on the rest of the world like a religion! Where they try and force ridiculous language like 'birth giver' to replace 'mother', or 'chestfeeder' to replace 'breastfeeding' (umm, btw, us men have breasts too you know... or are you so arrogant that you think men don't get breast cancer?).

    Onto another subtopic. Look at this whole 'anti white' agenda that's been sweeping across the oceans with the 'BLM' movement as well, or the 'Critical Race Theory' that has been born from its wake. People calling out 'white privilege', and so forth. And yet, in the USA, most offenses against African-Americans are committed by... other African-Americans. Hmm. Of course racism is a problem in America still, and it's a problem all over the world which will unfortunately never be 100% removed from society; the most infamous case of recent years being the George Floyd case. Now, it was absolutely horrific how he was essentially murdered, anyone who tries to dispute that is just deluded. But then the likes of the 'BLM' start glorifying him as some sort of martyr... when he was actually a criminal. That doesn't justify the way he was killed, not by any means, but trying to

    We don't need to go too far back in history either to see the absolute worst of this. When most African-Americans were sold and traded as slaves, and were seen as dirt by so many. The way they were treated back then just makes my stomach curl. I don't have the words, I really don't. To treat another human being like that simply because their skin is a different colour variant to yours? And that still occurs to this day, and not just where those with black skin are concerned either. That's one issue I take with the BLM bullshit... So, no other lives matter then? Asian lives don't matter? They're not subject to racism then? Or those born in Latin America, they're not subject to racism either? Or anyone from a Middle-Eastern background? Or literally anywhere else on Earth? Let's not forget that the founder of the BLM lived in riches from this so-called 'enlightened movement'.

    Then... there's reverse racism. So if a white fella is racist to fella of another 'race', BAM! He's branded a racist and landed in the clink quicker than he can drop his pants. But... if we reverse the table... and the other fella is racist to the white fella... No hullabaloo is made about it? Or the whole 'black-face' thing. If a white person dresses up as a character of another race, or a white actor plays a non-white character... BAM! RACIST! But... again if we reverse the tables, it's not racism... Hypocritical much?

    You see, there's a reason why I'm a self confessed misanthropist (hate everyone, regardless of sex, race, etc). And that is because for the most part, humans are... extremely stupid. Race? No such thing. We're all human, doesn't matter what part of the planet we hail from, or what colour our skin pigment is, or where we live or anything like that. I'm no more or less human then Paddy Blackman or Paddy Asianman or Paddy-whatever-man. We are all just human... for fucks sake, we are LITERALLY CALLED HOMO SAPIEN. Homo meaning SAME! Fucking idiots...

    My problem with the militant vegans? Yeah... umm... have any of you EVER seen a nature documentary? Cos I've seen slaughterhouses up close and personal. And... being killed almost instantly in a slaughterhouse seems less gruesome than being eaten alive by a pride of lions, or ripped asunder by a bear... Need I go on? Now, would the planet be better off if we all went vegan? Probably... BUT... what's going to happen to all the cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs, etc? You do realise... they're going to have to be culled... severely... right?

    All the above issues, as well as the countless other woke issues... have many things in common, especially this: they never try and win their arguments based on merit, merely by trying to silence or cancel the other's opinion. i think it was George R R Martin (Game of Thrones author) who said:

    "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say"

    Anyone who thinks that any of the above is 'hate speech'... There's a major difference between hate speech, and speech that you hate.
    Last edited by ladiesman217; 01-04-22 at 22:51.
    ladiesman217: April 2009 to April 2024


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