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Thread: A controversial q for anyone willing to answer

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default A controversial q for anyone willing to answer

    I was born a catholic but never really believed in it.I believed in a higher power but not in the teachings of the catholic church.For years this didnt bother me but lately primarily because of the conduct of the catholic church towards abuse victims it has frustrated me to no end (and no i wasnt an abuse victim of the catholic church because my old fella would kick the shit out of them).I no longer want to be part of it.

    For the last while i have being studying buddhism and doing meditation ,the reason being that i am highly strung and cant stay still either.While this is great it would also be great to be able to quiet my mind at will.

    Since i have no kids and am not married ,i am looking into leaving the catholic church officially and converting to buddhism although i am not shaving my head.I am however willing to do back flips (i can already) and various other types of zen and meditation.

    My q.Has anyone here converted to another religon?Is anyone considering converting to another religon or belief?Like i said i was born a catholic but never really believed in its teachings,i do however have tremendous faith although not along the lines of catholic.

    I can buy the orange cardigan no probs,
    Last edited by Westsidex; 03-07-09 at 19:01. Reason: :-)

  2. #2
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    I think a lot of peoples faith has just lapsed for whatever reason, abuse in the church, a changing society, other interests etc. and they haven't bothered to replace it with anything else........

    Come on over to my gang Westie............ we take all sorts.................................

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    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default not me but.....

    a good friend of mine converted to another religion a true gent but it had the effect of him being alienated from his family a sad outcome indeed still the family is divided to this day why cant people be more responsive to change especially families......

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Dont forget the saffron robes Westie, without them we wont be able to recognise that you're a buddhist and people will assume you're still a catholic and continue to give you shit.

    Personally I left the catholic church as soon as I was able to walk out of it on my own two feet. Those fuckers dressed in black scared the shit out of sex, no drink, no fun....they're up there alongside traffic wardens and nightclub need to be a serious sociopath to consider any of those vocations.

  5. #5
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    Default Well

    Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
    a good friend of mine converted to another religion a true gent but it had the effect of him being alienated from his family a sad outcome indeed still the family is divided to this day why cant people be more responsive to change especially families......
    my brothers an athiest ( a real one) ,my sister is so busy thinking about herself she would probably forget after half an hour,my family in Dub could care less and my family in Cork are a bunch of pricks.

    So it could actually be a good thing,

  6. #6
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    I left it as soon as I was able to make my own mind up. With all the abuse and the churches greed for money I lost faith a long time ago.

    Why don't we start our own e-i religion. We all go here more often than to church.
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  7. #7
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    Default This is the trouble

    Quote Originally Posted by luther View Post
    and they haven't bothered to replace it with anything else........

    i think that this is why there is such an increase in mental health probs as modern life goes on.A persons spirituality is a very important part of them and i think it is the most neglected part too.By spirituality i dont neccessarily mean praying,i mean whatever floats one boat.


  8. #8
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    Default We call it Westism

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    I left it as soon as I was able to make my own mind up. With all the abuse and the churches greed for money I lost faith a long time ago.

    Why don't we start our own e-i religion. We all go here more often than to church.
    However due to a rise in the cost of living and clerical expenses a small donation will be much appreiciated.

    Your money,your life or your bald headed wife,

  9. #9
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    Default On a more serious note

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    I left it as soon as I was able to make my own mind up. With all the abuse and the churches greed for money I lost faith a long time ago.

    Why don't we start our own e-i religion. We all go here more often than to church.
    this is the prob.I never lost faith.I lost faith (the little i had) in those that preched it but never faith in whatever is up there.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Hmmm...

    I think your question is difficult to answer. The Catholicism we grew up with was very much a cultural force in Ireland (the way Judaism is in Israel) as well as a faith. I think many people long ago stopped believing the dogma but kept going to Mass (etc.) partly out of habit, partly out of not giving the neighbours something to say about them and partly out of fear. The latter is important -- fear stands at the back of the room in most is never emphasised, but it's why people are there!

    I can only give you my take on the choices which face you - perhaps it will help, perhaps not:

    Conversion is a very old-fashioned idea really. It conjures images of a man denouncing what he once believed and banging on the door of another Church, begging to be accepted while his family, friends and work-mates look on in tears.

    As I see it the above is not something which you need to do -- rather, you can pursue your interest in Zen, which is all about cultivating a present awareness and living authentically. Over time I suspect that as you cultivate this authentic way of being the Catholicism will simply fade away of its own accord. Certainly the need to call yourself something (Catholic, Krishna, Jew, etc.) will also diminish.

    Spiritual development is a sort of unfolding, marked by changes in our experience of life. Go with it and let the details take care of themselves!

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