Quote Originally Posted by gonzo76 View Post
Hmm, some issues with what you're saying:



There is no suggestion that blm funds were used for this. Unless you have some details I've missed? I'd be happy to read or review anything you suggest.

Also not sure what having a new car or where your kids go to school has to do with someone's activism? Do you have to be poor to be part of blm?
You can post as many links that rebute the claims, fact remains that people are starting to realise and question the BLM foundation. Their activists personal wealth increase as soon as a new victim surfaces. Where are the millions of donations going? Into their pockets. Tamir Rice's mother is calling out all the vultures who have used her dead son's name for profit. The Floyd family is quiet for now, $27 mill from the city of Minneapolis and $10mill from gofund. In years to come they will also realise how much more vultures have gained from George's death. Profiting off dead black people is the new scam now.