Have you ever have and encounter where you don't want it to end?

I mean, the guy comes, and for whatever reason,( he's good in bed, or, he's gorgeous, or, he's well endowed, he's a charmer, etc) you don't want him to leave. You know this is a business but you can't resist.
I would appreciate some of your viewpoints/ stories.

In my case, one day a met a gorgeous young girl.
We met for 30 min and when my time was up, the famous knock on the door...TIME IS UP!!! the escort jumped out of bed, and mumbled something unintelligible in some Eastern European language to the other girl.
She said to me. It's ok you can stay.
She wasn't happy with her life, and how things had turn, So I gave her the pep talk on life.

Something along this lines...


Anyway, I end up staying for another 30 min, just talking...
I hope my words helped her in life.

Any thoughts?