Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
And Where is Ruhama with their mission Statement of Helping sex workers !!??

With 750,000€ yearly budget what the Heck have they Done for the girls over the

whole last Year !!??

Why is No One asking these questions !??

: if there was more help available out there , less providers would be forced by financial need ,

to work ! : From talking with a few , I know many would rather be staying safe and not working

except for having bills to pay .

Where the F is Ruhama !??

: They had One Job to do !

/ a Govt. sanctioned racket perhaps ?

It makes me Angry .
As I said many times before I got no time for Ruhama, their goal is to enhance their own profile and feather their own nest but they are winning here.
Sadly Independent Escorts don't matter, I got total respect for these ladies who try to make a difference for all of us but we see a law been introduced that really is to force them out of this profession, its very sad but less and less people are listening now