Wow!! I'm really sorry if I offended anyone here with my word choice. I completely understand that we are simply paying for an Escorts time. Whatever she values that time at is completely up to her and must simply be an indication of the demand for her time. I dont see escorts as any different from doctors, physios or teachers. They have a level of experience in the art of seduction and sex that they can practice to a professional level and just like any other professional they can choose what they offer and under what circumstances. Im only looking for info on how best to communicate with an escort.

PS I ment a 1 hour blowjob as a joke, she clearly didn't see the humour in it but in hindsight I imagine its a horror in that line of business. Her poor knock!! plus id say itd hurt me after 5 mins too. Its like asking a hold a punch bag while you punch non stop for an hour. Nobody will enjoy that!!

If there is any escort out there that reads this and finds themselves in galway and enjoys having a good laugh id love to have the opportunity to meet them. All I want is to experience somthing new and have fun doing it.