Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
Okay, this definitely belongs in Soap Opera.

Do you ever get a feeling of dislike for people that are bigger than you?

I think it has to do with evolution a bit.... usually the bigger the guy the harder he would be to fight. But then the small guy didn't need as much food reserves.

It's not that I'm a short or small guy... (let's not get into a sort of pissing competition about it).... it just bugs me.

I think, how dare they be bigger than me. :P

It's not that I want to have big biceps. My arms are the skinniest thing you've ever seen. I've tried lifting weights for a short while before but it had no effect. It's also not fatty-heavy I want to be. If I put on weight, I look terrible with it, I don't hold it so well.

Anyone else experienced similar feelings or some other strange feelings?
Did you ever think about how the big guy feels, I'm not a small guy, not big either 6ft but was well built a few years back (getting lazy) but no matter where I went during my school years and a couple of occasions after I always got the small guy coming up trying to start something with me, there little inferiority complex kicking in so they have to try be macho, so pathetic, go away and leave me alone you little piss ant. Was so annoying, starting to remember some of the situations and looking back I have to say some people really do have inferiority problems..