Brothers and Sisters,

apologies to all for my absence of the past few days, but having been glued to RTE's election coverage over the weekend, I felt it encumbent upon myself to celebrate Brother Joe Higgins' election as an MEP, plus the fact that the combined left (Labour, Shinners, Socialist Party, PBPA and assorted left-wing independents now control three out of the four local authorities in Co. Dublin, by engaging in a two-day mini punthaton with one of my Slavic sisters.

But now that I have returned, I would like to thank the good people of the People's Republic of Dublin for putting an end to the unholy coalition of Fianna Fail/Catholic Church in this city. To mark this momentous occasion. the combined forces of the left will join in a ceremony at 12.00 noon on Sunday 14th June at the GPO, when the tricolour will be lowered for the last time and the red flag will be hoisted in it's place.

It is intended that a carnival atmosphere should prevail....there will be traditional music and dance from socialist countries worldwide, poetry readings, facepainting, and specially for the young and up and coming socialist generation, firearms practice and the burning of the pope and taoiseach in effigy. (You have to get the little tikes started when they're young). Afterwards, the proletarian masses will be incited to loot, pillage, burn (and maybe even a spot of rapine) in that last bastion of reaction in our county..............Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown.

There will even be a much anticipated socialist competition sponsored by Marvado Green Healthcare Products Inc. Anybody who manages to string up a Fianna Failer or a Priest (of any political persuasion) from a tree or a lamp post, will win for themselves a year's supply of Pine Fresh Butt Plugs (c) (Reg TM).


Brother Joe Higgins