Quote Originally Posted by damron View Post
This is it boys and Girls.The end of the line for Damron.This evening alot of the pieces that were
missing from the crazy jigsaw that is my life were found.These pieces have yet to be made "fit" but
at least I have them.I've been" chasing down a dream" just like Gatsby, running towards a light that is long since behind me.In spite of what I said earlier, you are a good bunch of people here.I miss the old posters, it just does not do it for me anymore.Value the likes of doozer and Alec, they made me laugh, and for that alone it was worth it.

" inscribe on your heart every inch of the time at sunset " Zuan Li ( I think ?)

Yes ,you guessed it ,Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers are playing in the baqckground.
Thats some deep shit.

I think sleeping on it would be a good thing.

Take care. Your a good bloke.