What was your first sexual experience? It would be interesting to hear something from the ladies as well as the gents on this. Bound to be some funny stories.

I can remember mine, which sadly did not go too well. It was at school during a school party (once a year at Christmas). I wasn't expecting to get off with anyone, but this girl just came up to me and started snogging. She was VERY good at it. She'd been drinking rum and coke, I could taste it. Then the magic words 'Is there anywhere we can be alone'?

I chose a dark common room piled high with furniture (to clear the other rooms). The snogging continued then to my utter amazement she went down on her knees and unzipped my fly. Where on earth she had learned to do what she did next is beyond me, but again - VERY good at it. Amazing.

I was high as a kite when there was a sudden flash of light - and there was a teacher - standing in the door way, hand on light switch. The girl was so startled she bit my willy.

'There's better places to do that than in here' said the teacher (also startled by the unexpected sight) .

With what I thought was amazing coolness under circumstances ' and where would that be?' .

'Get out' he said, red in the face. The girl exited stage right at huge speed.

I sent her a note next day but she didn't want to go out with me.

I wonder why...

Any way a case of Fellatio Interruptus... and if I ever meet that BASTARD teacher again he better watch out.

Her name was Julie by the way and she was a New Romantic. That dates it a bit!