Ok so, you remember I had the Welch guy who farted when he came? Well he called me, seems he will be a regular and he is a nice guy and all, but I hate that he farted when he came. It was really REALLY smelly. It took a few minutes for the skunk smell to float out my window and poor Central Park, Im sure the birds fell out of their nests when it wafted past.... Well, he is a nice guy, and he is a human after-all, and we creatures are known to "flirt" as my granny used to say. But I dont want him farting while he is in my apartment. He can do it in his own house, or even on the subway for all the innocent bystanders to suffer.... as long as he doesnt do it around me, he can pass the gas wherever he wants, even by a torch, tho he may blow something up

So, this is my hope, that some of ye might have ideas for me to keep him from farting when he cums. My face is down that way too since I'm giving him a blow job. Help me out here lads. I know you are so fucking smart. What can poor Dolly do to keep her Welch client from farting when he cums???