Quote Originally Posted by tomlittle View Post
I rarely come on here now as dislike what E-I has become, it was much better in Samlad's time here and as the years went by and the many changes and makeovers E-I made to the site, none of which were needed or wanted by us.
Members should not be reporting posts for the hell of it and should instead be sticking together and helping each other more so now than ever before as its a small community that has taken a huge battering in recent years.
E-I has brought in some very silly forum changes here too that only makes the situation worse.
I agree and disagree in equal measures. The additions are all welcome and well thought out , its the abuse by a handful of posters reporting posts that is driving escorts and punters away from the forum in droves.
Escorts all over the world are being beaten, raped, robbed on a daily basis they dont have time or energy for bullshit, imagine logging in here after having an abusive customer and you have some guy who gets offended by something someone has said !
The gap is too big between this forum and punters/escorts real world situations, its like the grand canyon they are that far apart.
Something needs to be done or the handful of people who keep reporting posts wont just silence the posters they are jealous of but may silence this forum forever.
I used to look in here three years ago and the place was hopping.
Now its just drivel..........