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Thread: catholic church schools abuse report

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default catholic church schools abuse report

    Thousands of Catholic school children raped and abused
    Thousands raped and abused in Catholic schools | World news | The Guardian

    the catholic church has a lot to answer for, what a total disgrace.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    They do indeed but whats going to happen to them. Nothing half are dead and the other half seem to be aboove the law in this country. The church in Ireland although nowhere near as it was in the last few decades still has a grasp over the countery and unfortunaly these devient men og God will escape justice
    Join the E-I Fantasy Football League

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Dont get me started on these bastards

    Quote Originally Posted by pats bodyguard View Post
    You know that they wont name these cunts but hey blashemy laws are the way to go.We must all watch what we say in case we offended a child abuser.

    The sickening thing is i feel sorry for those genuine priests and there are some there no doubt.I gave up going to church a long time ago.There whole bible is contradictary.FFs they tell us jesus is everywhere so why the hell do i have to go to mass just to see him so and hey apparently he is unconditional love and all forgiving despite the fact that he will banish you in hell if you do not follow his rules.

    My view on religon is simple.So simple that anyone can follow it with peace of mind.

    I dont know what is up there or what colour ,race or type it is and i dont care either.I believe in a higher power and just do my best on this earth.

    These bastards that shout and praise about christ are the very first to blacken his name.

    The Catholic church want respect?I was born a Catholic but by fuck im no Catholic.I refuse to be part of a cult that allow this to happen.I refuse to be part of any religon.Im not an athiest but not part of a religous group either.

    Catholic church my hole.Look outside Mass each Sunday.Those ppl come out and what do they do?The first moment they are out?They buy the Sunday papers,papers that are sold on soft porn and crime??????????And this by religous ppl?

    Get of the fuckin stage Pope Benny,you have no credibilty left mate,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Some of them are in here to

    I recently spotted old Padre Pio on the boards in here.

    I knew that once we let Jasus in, a lot of strange sorts would follow him. Just as well we dont allow the under 18s gain admission or we'd end up in as much shit as the Catholic Church.

    Seems that another new postulant member will shortly be gaining full membership status in our hallowed community........

    It's a little known fact, that the good Mother of Calcutta actually studied for her vocation in the same nunnery as Aunty Pat.......though Pat never made it as far as taking her final vows......she discovered that her talents lay elsewhere.

    Pax Vobiscum Brothers............and Sisters.

    P.S. If you feel that this is a gross insult to your deeply held theological views and that it was intended to cause grave offence and as such is in contravention of Big Brother Dermot's new blasphemy law...............I invited you to go and f**k yourself or pay an escort with a strap-on to do it for you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    I recently spotted old Padre Pio on the boards in here.

    I knew that once we let Jasus in, a lot of strange sorts would follow him. Just as well we dont allow the under 18s gain admission or we'd end up in as much shit as the Catholic Church.

    Seems that another new postulant member will shortly be gaining full membership status in our hallowed community........

    It's a little known fact, that the good Mother of Calcutta actually studied for her vocation in the same nunnery as Aunty Pat.......though Pat never made it as far as taking her final vows......she discovered that her talents lay elsewhere.

    Pax Vobiscum Brothers............and Sisters.

    P.S. If you feel that this is a gross insult to your deeply held theological views and that it was intended to cause grave offence and as such is in contravention of Big Brother Dermot's new blasphemy law...............I invited you to go and f**k yourself or pay an escort with a strap-on to do it for you.
    Liz tours India I think… wonder if she ever toured the black hole of Calcutta….. what am I saying…she probably caused it…

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries

    Talking What goes around...

    I remember seeing one of those abuse cases being discussed ages ago on the TV. Then it all came back. I was never sexually abused as a child (thank God) but I was beaten a few times by Lay-Teachers in a Christian Brother school.

    So one day when I was about 23-24 something like that. I went to one of the bastards houses. I rang the doorbell he answerd and I said "hey you, remermber me? I'm so and so. You beat me with a meter stick when I was 11."

    The asshole nearly dropped a shit on the spot. I then proceeded to beat the fucking shit out of the guy. Basically I sent him to the fucking hospital. He was lucky it wasn't the fucking morgue. I was 11 at the time. What a cowardly prick.

    I got my closure.

    Fuck the money.

    Now I'm not endorsing the use of violence as a means of closure. But it did help me.
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default The use of violence should be well endorsed on these cases

    Quote Originally Posted by RicFlair View Post
    I remember seeing one of those abuse cases being discussed ages ago on the TV. Then it all came back. I was never sexually abused as a child (thank God) but I was beaten a few times by Lay-Teachers in a Christian Brother school.

    So one day when I was about 23-24 something like that. I went to one of the bastards houses. I rang the doorbell he answerd and I said "hey you, remermber me? I'm so and so. You beat me with a meter stick when I was 11."

    The asshole nearly dropped a shit on the spot. I then proceeded to beat the fucking shit out of the guy. Basically I sent him to the fucking hospital. He was lucky it wasn't the fucking morgue. I was 11 at the time. What a cowardly prick.

    I got my closure.

    Fuck the money.

    Now I'm not endorsing the use of violence as a means of closure. But it did help me.
    alot of those children were sent to those schools because they were orphaned and had noone to guide them or help them so they looked up to the only ones that they could and the result is beatings and sexual abuse.One guy in a Cork school had the boy strip naked and stand on a ladder in the yard as a punishment.I mean just to comtemplate even the thought of that is disturbing let alone do it.

    I have no doubt alot of abuse victims died at the hands of these evil bastards.If those that havnt abused really want to make a difference then they should leave the order or form their own order.

    Tell you one thing though,i would willing die right now of any death at all just to see what these evil bastards have facing them.

    twisted fucks,

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