Quote Originally Posted by Freyr View Post
I don't honestly know if you see it, but I think most people here do. You read a thread, you see an opportunity to express your moral outrage at "pimps". You take the opportunity. You think you've impressed the right people with your moral fortitude.

Let's walk this through for you.

1. Leaving the room with money: In all likelihood, it's to ensure it doesn't disappear during the booking and that you don't see where she keeps what could be a large amount of cash.

2. Calling / texting someone: Basic safety. Firstly probably letting someone know she has a client and everything seems ok. Or maybe doesn't seem ok. Either way, it gives the client the impression that the girl is looking after her safety - that she is not completely alone and vulnerable.

3. Calling / texting an agency: A lot of girls do this. They have an agency in another country that organises their travel and accommodation and schedule. For some girls, this is their preferred way of operating in a country they may not be familiar with. Over time they might get more confident about organising logistics themselves and can choose to tour completely independently. I guess technically, the agency is a "pimp" because they know how the girls earn their money, but they're not "pimps" in the moralistic sense of an abusive 3rd party who earns a living through forcing girls to work and taking most of their money.

4. Lovers / Boyfriends: You're very judgmental. A girl's decision to work as an escort is hers, and she doesn't need permission. A lot of guys would find this very hard to handle, but fuck 'em - it's not their body. Just because someone has a partner who is accepting of an escort's profession does not make them a "pimp". It doesn't make them abusive. Now, if he's sitting on his hole not making money himself and just living off her earnings then that is abusive. But it doesn't make him a pimp. There are air hostesses, bar maids, managing directors, nurses etc. who have boyfriends or husbands who leech off their earnings. Escorting is no different. Those guys are basically just leeches and wasters, and it's the girls problem. An escort having a shitty boyfriend shouldn't stop anyone from seeing that escort.

5. Actual pimps: To me, what is meant here, is someone forcing or coercing someone into escorting against their will and then taking those earnings. If you think a girl has one of these, call the cops. Don't go ahead with a session unless you're comfortable being a rapist.

So back to the original question / suggestion you made that a girl texting someone else or bringing money to another room - it's fine. It's probably not a (5) pimp. Stop letting your over-active imagination and showboaty moralising go too far.
Now paragraph 4.... Lover boy/Boyfriend..... Now you say if boyfriend accept his girlfriend to work as Escort is going to be ok with it..
But how many boyfriends know their Ladies are working as a Escort.
And if they know how many can accept it her line of work.That where lot could see opportunity and take advantage of her love and feeling for him.

To which he become a lover boy or abusive as both the same thing.
He abuse her trust and claim that she need to support both as protect her in company of clients.
Now then that turn into a abusive relationship. As she feel obliged to work for both to keep him happy also because of her feeling toward him.

Which he know he can manipulate her and abuse her to which she could live in fear of him.
Yes I agree it shouldn't stop anyone seeing her.
But the question is how we know she truly comfortable seeing clients in knowing her true feeling are with her boyfriend.

It can be easy for him as money roll in. But for her who got a boyfriend It must be hard to not feel guilty at time sleeping with other men as her boyfriend sit in another room.
Maybe she could feel coerced into it by her Boyfriend as he could be very persuasive or abusive toward her.

That what worry me as I DON'T EVER want to meet a Escort who feel pressure or force into giving me a service. Just to please another person in the room.
That why my self doubt come into play and guilt if I did.

So I brought in this rule on myself. To never meet a Escort who got a boyfriend or husband even if both are happy with the arrangement or not.
Each clients to their own and what they do is their choice. But guilt for me make sick if I had a sexual service and knowing she got a boyfriend after. And how I know she comfortable with me when Escort is professional but human also.

I be haunt by it and yes I date a Escort when I 20 years old. But I accept it and wasn't abusive to her as we both work are own life.
So if I feel a Escort got a boyfriend then I question myself and wouldn't see her again. Doesn't matter how well we click and good connection we have.

It just make me feel I putting her into awkward position and very true she could enjoy her work and my company. To which she could enjoy business sex with me.
But my self doubt say it feel totally wrong if she boyfriend and that why I am weary in meeting of Escorts. Maybe other experience my thought on this to.

Rest of your post I agree and my self doubt will always challenge my meeting in everything even if she single or not.
So for me a boyfriend or husband is no visit from me as it make me feel she coerced even if she not sand it her decision.

And no I am not trying to showboating at all. But yes my over thinking is cause of my self doubt to which I can't help. Rather be honest then live a lie.