Quote Originally Posted by Kennedy View Post
I work out in the Westwood gym in Aston Quay, and I saw on the mirrored walls a girl. I saw her before couple of times. This time however, I was paying a bit more attention to her and realized that she's a TS. Wanted to approach her, but she already left. I talked to the instructor and asked her about the girl, and she even told me her name and surname. Wanted to give me her number but I said I'll approach her directly. When the instructor was showing me the facebook pictures of her, I realized that she offers services here. At the moment, she isn't on tour. I just wanted to check if the mentioned girl is active on the forum. If you are reading this, don't be surprised when a tall blonde athletic man comes to you and tells you you look special.
You'd need to buy a long mirror and a stool
Sit down and have a chat to your self