Quote Originally Posted by Kennedy View Post
I work out in a gym, and I saw on the mirrored walls a girl. I saw her before couple of times. This time however, I was paying a bit more attention to her and realized that she's a TS. Wanted to approach her, but she already left. I talked to the instructor and asked her about the girl, and she even told me her name and surname. Wanted to give me her number but I said I'll approach her directly. When the instructor was showing me the facebook pictures of her, I realized that she offers services here. At the moment, she isn't on tour. I just wanted to check if the mentioned girl is active on the forum. If you are reading this, don't be surprised when a tall blonde athletic man comes to you and tells you you look special.
Well i can only speak for myself but.................
This just feels like those SH1TE vids you keep seeing on FB of wasters making crappy vids with the worst acting you have ever seen just to get some engagement
Go back to the gym and do your thaang and do me a favour "keep it to yourself"