Quote Originally Posted by anitasizzle View Post
When I wrote my post somethine told me not say ''bette looking'', would be interpreted the differently than what I wanted to infer.

First of all, i betcha they wouldn't want to be a woman if they got a peroid', ''flowers'' they say in Ireland.

Secondly, alot of them committ suicide,after they get ''the operation''

Third, they should see a ''shrink'', something is clearly wrong
Maybe something told this person to make whatever changes they need to make to make themselves happy....

First of all, I betcha you wouldn't want to have been a man when he's being subjected to testicular torture by the Vietcong deep in the la Drang valley.... the Irish have words for these to numerous to list...

Secondly, maybe a lot of them commit suicide because of a lack of compassion, understanding and acceptance.....

Third, perhaps they did see a "shrink" who advised them to follow to follow their feelings, instead of living forever in what they considered a lie...

Not everybody in this world in as comfortable with themselves, in their own skin, with their own body and about their own sexuality as you appear to be!!!
Maybe they deserve to be given a break to get on with their lives..
Nobody deserves to be judged like that, for being different, for not fitting in...
Nobody likes it..... Do you??