Since arriving back from the weekend I was very sad to read posts that clearly targeted me as a Mod on a power trip. Now I said I was sorry but people seem to think that isn't enough. I also noticed that none of the four posters I appologized to had the grace to respond. Thanks.

Also the "What's going on thread" seems to be full of anti-mod thoughts and discussion. Now I'm all for free speech and I fully support love and peace here on E-I. After all it is one of my Commanments. I fully intend on spreading love and affection to all.

So I've decided to post this public poll on what people have to say with regards to the Mods job. Are we doing a good job? Is there areas we could improve on? Do we simply suck balls?

So please give your honest thoughts and remember please be constructive. I will not respond to bitchy crap. That is beneath anyone with even half a brain so don't bother.