I know there are guys here who see escorts as their de facto girlfriends. These group of punters are so concerned about reviews. For some of us, it's just going in and getting a quick satisfaction and going out. An escort can not be your girlfriend. It's a business relationship. Most escorts I have spoken to don't even like this GFE thing but obviously they love the money so the longer you wanna stay the better for their pocket. Some have told me how an hour appointment looks like eternity. For them you are not there to please them but the other way round. It's not easy to deal with a stranger for a good hour, is it? It doesn't matter if you are regular. Red light girls are no different from escorts. Would you prefer the Amsterdam way where you see the girl physically, you go in and you come out. Both happy. No stress walking around neighborhood with phone on your ears and having no clue what the girl on the other end is talking about. I will go the Dutch way. What about you?