Quote Originally Posted by AbidingPond View Post
I had a job interview today and I actually feel that it went really well and it made me think of all the bad interviews I've given.

I pulled an amazingly cringe worthy move in my very first interview.

I was only 17 and thought I was just the dogs bollocks and didn't do any real preparation so it was not going well anyway and then this happened.

The interviewer asked “Do you have any convictions?.”

I sat there and thought about it for a few seconds and then I said “Well, yes I do.”

The interviewer just stared at me with his mouth hanging open. I thought he meant convictions as in “firmly held beliefs” as opposed to “convicted of a crime”.

The confusion was cleared up and it took a lot of self control to stop myself from face palming right there.

Well we awkwardly laughed about it....and then I didn’t get the job.

Looking back now I can’t believe how stupid I was.

What job interview horror stories have you got?
you weren't stupid you just believed in the good in man kind... that says a lot about a men... associating some words with the normal meaning of them and not thinking of the other (bad) meaning of the word..