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Thread: Qph..

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Epsilon View Post
    I am not being abusive in the slightist. I have simply requested an answer which you are not man enough to give. I have accused you of abusing your power and another member who i do not know is in agreement. You seem to jhave taken it onto yourself to do what ever you fell, right or wrong. And if you decide to delete my posts or have me maggoted for having an opinion well then that will give out a great message to the rest of the members of this site. I dont agree with your methods or your attitude or your new found grandeur.. you are not something special all of a sudden you cannot take the high moral ground and you are not above anybody on this site, learn your place....
    And as for being a troll... let he who is without sin cast the first stone... if you need your memory jolting just let me know and i'll dig up all your old posts on Dolly and Big paws and the countless pms that you forwarded.
    3 pages & you still havent ans a very simple question qph????? Jaffa cakes are more important Your simply not fit for the job & pat must of being crazy to give it to you but then again you only got that job because so many people turned it down...
    You must think people have short memories & dont remember you spaming the site on your anti paws rants which wer insane at best & your crusade against dolly of course..
    In the end you have been rewarded for it so maybe we should all do it
    Editing a post for a spelling mistake???? Who the fuck are you to condasend to the members of this site who actually use the site for more than a quick look & of course to make friends lol

  2. #32

    Default Aww now, dont blame QPh for being made mod

    Quote Originally Posted by anon163 View Post
    QPH, as a member of this site I have no problem with you, your a voyeur and that is all part of an escort site forum but as a Mod, whether you show yourself to be fit or not I still think you shouldn't have even asked Patricia to make you one and I still think although Patricia's reasoning's may have had merit it's this kind of thing that was bound to happen!!
    If you are the honest and responsible person you claim to be, you would clearly be able to see that the way you handled yourself in the past (Dolly, Paws) was always going to come back at you and for this reason alone I think you should step down!!
    Its clear that Patricia bumped her head when she fell down skiing. Those Aspen trees are hard wood and really put a thump on the head. Im sure when the swelling goes down, she will think more clearly.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Can I also for the record apologise to Dolly for dragging up this period of her life that I am sure she would more than willing like to see the back off!!

  4. #34

    Default To be honest

    I think I may have missed some of the story.

    I dont remember him posting private info on me. If he did it, I think I was on holiday with an Iphone and alot of better things to do with my time then watch QPH posts.

    I do remember him telling everyone I fuck dogs. Which I might clarify... I never fucked a dog, nor will I ever fuck a dog. I dont fancy dogs, not for fucking, not for even petting, or taking a jog with on a dirt road. Im a clean freak, and dogs just are too hairy and have dirt always stuck in their bum hair, and the last dog my family owned, it had to take an anti depressant since it liked chewing bones.... his OWN BONES. No, dogs are NOT for me. Nor any other animal when it comes to sex. I am a people person. I like men and women. Yes, humans only please. Send a human my way, and Ill drop to my knees and pleasure them. But thats one of the very few rules I have: I DO HUMANS ONLY!! But of course QPH never asked if I was inclined to do dogs, nope, he just decided to say it anyway. Fine example of hoping sabotage on an escort. hmmm........ now he is mod. Well, Im at a loss of words on how he made Patricia take interest in him as a mod... however, I know he is that Oven Ready Eddie, and Patricia probibly got a good laugh from his posts. I dont understand how he can be two completley different personas tho. One persona being witty and friendly and upbeat, and the other dragging, negative, power-trippy, and overly sensitive. I dont get that at all...

    Anyway, Anon, theres no need for you to apologize for anything. You are my friend. As I have many friends here. You show such respect, and I dont understand why people like you were not asked to be made mod.

    Anyway, I am moving forward. I just spent two weeks in Colorado, dipping myself in Lithium charged hot springs and letting waterfalls crash down on me. I played with children, ate great Mexican food, hiked canyons, touched some dinosour bones.... Got a clue about what life is all about.


    So many people need to get a REALITY CHECK... and that HERE is NOT THE REAL LIFE... not this cyber world of cyber ghosts. Some of you Ill turn from ghosts to flesh. I look forward to that day, when I touch you and feel you are real. In the meantime, I hope everyone will realize how evil it is to make threats and post private details. And not find their egos fed by a website persona!!! For those who are needing ego boosts: Go get your ego boost in the REAL WORLD, not from internet cyber ghosts who say, "OH BOO! YOU MATTER OH BOO! LMFAO
    Last edited by DollyDarling; 27-02-09 at 10:27.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I also left Alex’s as neither it nor mine or anyone else's were the work of troll’s. You are free to post here if you do not continue in this troll like manner. I will leave your last post here if you have learned that you are not the only person here and do not have the right to spam forum with your hobby horse. If not I move along with this post of mine.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I also left Alex’s as neither it nor mine or anyone else's were the work of troll’s. You are free to post here if you do not continue in this troll like manner. I will leave your last post here if you have learned that you are not the only person here and do not have the right to spam forum with your hobby horse. If not I move along with this post of mine.
    What?????.. should i thank you for this act of kindness or kiss you holy feet?
    Last edited by Epsilon; 26-02-09 at 21:10.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Not in the least, you simply obey the rules and desist from being a troll.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Not in the least, you simply obey the rules and desist from being a troll.
    Since when do you determine who is a troll? I will answer to the organ grinder not the monkey.
    You need to take a step back and look at your own behaviour before you comment on anybody else. And you call me a troll.....

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DollyDarling View Post
    I think I may have missed some of the story.

    I dont remember him posting private info on me. If he did it, I think I was on holiday with an Iphone and alot of better things to do with my time then watch QPH posts.

    I do remember him telling everyone I fuck dogs. Which I might clarify... I never fucked a dog, nor will I ever fuck a dog. I dont fancy dogs, not for fucking, not for even petting, or taking a jog with on a dirt road. Im a clean freak, and dogs just are too hairy and have dirt always stuck in their bum hair, and the last dog my family owned, it had to take an anti depressent since it liked chewing bones.... his OWN BONES. No, dogs are NOT for me. Nor any other animal when it comes to sex. I am a people person. I like men and women. Yes, humans only please. Send a human my way, and Ill drop to my knees and pleasure them. But thats one of the very few rules I have: OI DO HUMANS ONLY!! But of course QPH never asked if I was inclined to do dogs, nope, he just decided to say it anyway. Fine example of hoping sabotage on an escort. hmmm........ now he is mod. Well, Im at a loss of words on how he made Patricia take interest in him as a mod... however, I know he is that Oven Ready Eddie, and Patricia probibly got a good laugh from his posts. I dont understand how he can be two completley different personas tho. One persona being witty and friendly and upbeat, and the other dragging, negative, power-trippy, and overly sensitive. I dont get that at all...

    Anyway, Anon, theres no need for you to apologize for anything. You are my friend. As I have many friends here. There really only maybe 3 or 4 who hate me here. One hates me cause her boyfriend fucked her while watching my photos on the net at the same time Another cause I didnt stay quiet when I was used as a pawn. Another two cause.. well Im not sure why....

    Anyway, I am moving forward. I just spent two weeks in Colorado, dipping myself in Lithium charged hot springs and letting waterfalls crash down on me. I played with children, ate great Mexican food, hiked canyons, touched some dinosour bones.... Got a fucking clue about what life is all about.


    So many people need to get a FUCKING REALITY CHECK... and that HERE is NOT THE REAL LIFE... not this little cyber world of cyber ghosts. Some of you Ill turn from ghosts to flesh. I look forward to that day, when I touch you and feel you are real. In the meantime, I hope everyone will realize how evil it is to make threats and post private details. And not find their egos fed by a website persona LMFAO!!! For those who are needing ego boosts: Go get your ego boost in the REAL WORLD, not from internet cyber ghosts who say, "OH BOO! YOU MATTER OH BOO! LMFAO

    That term is a figure of speech and you took it to mean something else even though you have lived here for a period of 12 years so should know it is an Irish figure of speech. Not my problem you choose to see it as meaning something else.

    You will also note that is other people dragging up previous matters and not me but if you wish to re visit that sorry state of affairs I will be happy to but I leave it to you to decide to do that. If not I will not comment.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    That term is a figure of speech and you took it to mean something else even though you have lived here for a period of 12 years so should know it is an Irish figure of speech. Not my problem you choose to see it as meaning something else.

    You will also note that is other people dragging up previous matters and not me but if you wish to re visit that sorry state of affairs I will be happy to but I leave it to you to decide to do that. If not I will not comment.
    What term is a figure of speech??

    calling someone a dog fucker have never heard it myself !!!!

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