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Thread: Which is better for Cork - Apartment/Hotel xx

  1. #1
    freya Guest

    Smile Which is better for Cork - Apartment/Hotel xx

    I wondered if you could tell me which is best for when i come to cork to stay in a hotel or apartment - also which is the best area. Not new to touring just to Ireland. I look forward to meeting with you soon.

    Thanks...... Freya xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default City centre or fairly close

    Quote Originally Posted by freya View Post
    Not one reply all day.........well i think i will go to an apartment - so where in cork is good?

    Look forward to meeting with you all very soon. xxxx Freya
    Guessing you wont help me there either lol........ city centre?
    a safe location with decent and easy parking near the city centre would be ideal.In Cork its just as easy to drive to the city centre than crawling through suburbs.


  3. Cool Lani- Apartment is much better !!

    Hey Freya
    I've worked in Cork before and would say that I much prefer working in an apartment. I would have to agree with West, you usually can never go wrong in or close to the City Center. Hope that helps!

    Lani xoxo
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think your right Freya a female moderator would be good for the site to give a bit of balance. It would be very useful for the touring and independent forums for an escorts viewpoint.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by freya View Post
    Ah thanks Lani.......really kind of you to take the time out to bother to get back to me.

    City centre it is then with parking have seen a place and a couple of people sent me private messages where was good - so thanks to all of you.

    Hugs, Freya xx

    P.S. Whats with all this moderator stuff? Why not a female one why always men? Just a thought!
    Firstly Freya, welcome to the boards, I like the way you have taken the time to find your way around and noticed one of the issues the site has at the moment and that is the lack of interest of the female posters to become mods, we do however have 2 very good female moderators (Patricia and Sarah) but both of which are staff, well actually Patricia is the Boss so we do have some balance but I'm sure Patricia and the other site members would agree a female Mod preferably an escort would be a very positive addition.
    As for your original post I would imagine the reason you haven't received many responses is because should someone suggest a location that location would and could find it's way back to the proprietors and it would no longer be a viable option..
    A good idea would be to pop into the chat room around 10 pm at night and later, there you will find several respected punters from various locations that i'm sure would be more than willing to give you advise as to where they have visited ladies and there prefered locations..

  6. Default

    No prob Freya, I know what its like to be kinda new.Good Luck.

    Dublin 1

    Day Time Specials(11 am- 5pm)
    30 mins 120
    1 hour 200

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by freya View Post
    I wondered if you could tell me which is best for when i come to cork to stay in a hotel or apartment - also which is the best area. Not new to touring just to Ireland. I look forward to meeting with you soon.

    Thanks...... Freya xx
    You can stay at my house... for free!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    It's a tough market wherever you go in Ireland at the moment Freya and yes of course you can chat with me and i can introduce you to some of the regular cork punters as I personally don't know a lot of cork locations!! I would invite you in now but I am not in a secure enviroment and wouldn't like to be rude and leave without notice should i have to, but i look forward to seeing your name on the list in the room later or another evening!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    It's just the context of the message board. On some boards you have to shout louder/harder to be heard. And some people are just bored and want some drama. There's no malice intended...

    Ask Anna whether she prefers men here or eastern european men.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Hello Freya,

    I have met lot's of lovely Irish people since i started touring 6 months ago...there are a very small minority who spoil things for everyone.I was also scared to travel to Dublin etc as id heard so much about crooks etc, but when i got there i was treated very well by everyone..I hope that you do decide to come to Ireland as you seen lovely and genuine..

    Take Care..


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