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Thread: a quick update on the list

  1. #21


    I would like to say that i TOO did not receive that email

    i only had minimal access to the list { to be precise 4-5 weeks on my last tour} and im no longer a part of it

    I can honestly say that i never witnessed full 8 digit number on the "so called list''

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    So how come Jessie received it and no one else............

    ..................u know,i got impression Jessie is second hones escort...............

    Brenda is not on my list as she cant voice and i know she s straight and honest.......

    Diana admitted her being there and she tought that there s no point insulting each other and there s point to look for GUILTY i got impression,and they are 2 ones that have been honest so far....

    ................actually jessie tooo............

    ......................So,what,no one received mail except for Jessie????????

    where is all descretion from rest of the girls?????//
    Why it s so hard to admitt????????

    How long it took???????
    15 seconds or even 10 from Westie to lift hand and show the example????????????????????


    ONLY ONES CAME CLEAN IN MY EYES AS ESCORTS ARE BRENDA,DIANA,JESSIE,REST OF U.......................................i cant even talk bout it...................................

    I like Diana,as she came so clear,and she seen it,as i never intended to fight with anyone and she just tought i m a bit harsh.................well,i i can be,bot the thing i respect the most is the truth,and some of you cant come out................................


    A PUBLIC DISGRACE...........


    ................................SHARING WITH ANOTHER 26/27 GIRLS?????????

    So why dont u erite in ur profile...........

    Hello,my name is such and such and if i m getting ut number i ll share it with other 27 girls or 28 whatever it ws...........................................

    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  3. #23


    Frankly Anna the last I saw or use the list was before I left to go home i have been away for at least three months possibly more. I like Brown sugar did use the list and add to it however I did not ever add a full number I added ok then the 6 or 5 digit number that was my total contribution. I have not recieved email communications as I was not using this list is all that I can assume just like the other ladies have stated. I have once again never seen this email that is now circulated. I have no problem admitting guilt and taking the blame for being incredibly stupid and not thinking things through properly, however I will not take the blame for matters that I know nothing about. Firstly I am quite sure alterations have been made as this list has been circulated. IMHO the problem now is that this list should be destroyed and the indvidual or individuals who have this should be asked to get rid of this list. I do not have access to a list and no longer want any part in this whatsoever and can only as I have previously done is apologise to all of you and ask you to please view both sides of the flip coin. We had no devious intentions or any other intentions with this however it was done incorrectly and therefore I am truly sorry.....
    The proof of Tick Tocks mail is now here and I too have a copy of tick tocks email which isnt an exact copy of jessies but very similar I have passed this onto a person to look at and evaluate this scenenario this email was sent out to each girl on the list 14/01/09 I recieved this email as well...The trouble is there are now people who are quite sinister in their motives which werent our motives to begin with.....Always listen to both sides of the story and I am sorry Anna but in all sincerity who are you to sit in judgement and say this one is a liar and this one isnt if anyone who is now cliaming things lied to begin with then fair enough I have done no such thing though why if I admit to many things would I now lie the same aplies to the other ladies that have contributed. Please do a search on my name and check this board as to my last contirbutions they have not been fourthcoming for awhile as I do not visit the boards much when at home thanks xxxxx
    Will MISS you all... For those of you that will keep in touch you know how to do this.... Take Care Kisses Alyssa Jenkins xxxx

  4. Default

    I think Alyssa, Lynne, Brown sugar and myself have been honest on the points that follow:
    1. We were involved in the List.
    2. We are no longer involved in the list.
    3. We never contributed more didgets than already stated to the list.
    4. We did not recieve the same e mail that is refered to here and had no knowledge of its existence.
    5. We are sincerely sorry for any person we have offended with our contribution and involvement to the list but we had no idea that it would be misused.

    I dont believe that we can spend all of our time justifying ourselves.............we have already done so by explaining everything we know. As anyone with half a brain can see, this topic will not die will be fueled with all types of theories, accussations and speculations. If the list is still out there and in the hands of many it can be manipulated and adapted to suit and deffend anybody who wants to make an accussation.
    I myself canot spend my time replying to everything that is flying around in this whirlwind at the moment, and I doubt many of the other Ladies can. The reason why I have replied more than once to this is due to the fact that I respect the Ladies who are here answering as many questions as possible and being totally honest about the situation.
    What has been stated in this post is 100% correct so I hope it will be reffered to in the future in response to any future questions or accussations.

  5. Angry Disregard

    Hi to all,

    I have finally decided to register on the site, after reading all the posts and threads, Ive never wanted to get involved in this site to protect my personal life... yet ive been seeing girls for the last 4 years...

    from what i know and have seen, all girls have kept my number on thier phones and believe me ive seen about 20 - 30 touring girls... (this isnt a partial number or half a number but a full number... thus their phones are the things that scare me the most) not some list that has only 5 or 6 didgits... guys you sould be very worried about what the Gardai will find on Brenda's phones not her notebook... ive seen her and its stressing me out... however no one has yet contated me... not even over the 4 years ive been doing this, so i have confidence in the ladies that ive seen, most of them on that list...

    Secondly, Anna S... from all the threads that i have ever read... you have never once been privi to this list or were ever considered on it... thus keep you mouth shut when it comes to the blame game or anything else in regard to this matter... I find it very strange that you can have the gaul to accuse everyone else yet you have never been part of it... you are starting to sound very very very suspicious to me as a gossip and general shit stirrer...

    Sorry that ive never come forward before and said anything about this... but this list also doesnt in anyway reflect on the service that any of these wonderful girls offer... isnt it strange if you look at all the reviews given... that the girls implecated on the list are some of the best and oldest working girls around and that all the girls that are now "mud slinging" are newbies and not that well known... LADIES PLEASE DONT BE STUPID AND MAKE YOURSELF SEEM BLAMELESS - IT ONLY MAKES YOU SEEM GUILTY... IF YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS LIST YOU SOULDNT HAVE ANY INFO ABOUT IT AND THEREFORE NOTHING TO SAY...

    Kind Regards

    BiG ApPlE

  6. Default its about f***ing time

    Quote Originally Posted by bigapple View Post
    Hi to all,

    I have finally decided to register on the site, after reading all the posts and threads, Ive never wanted to get involved in this site to protect my personal life... yet ive been seeing girls for the last 4 years...

    from what i know and have seen, all girls have kept my number on thier phones and believe me ive seen about 20 - 30 touring girls... (this isnt a partial number or half a number but a full number... thus their phones are the things that scare me the most) not some list that has only 5 or 6 didgits... guys you sould be very worried about what the Gardai will find on Brenda's phones not her notebook... ive seen her and its stressing me out... however no one has yet contated me... not even over the 4 years ive been doing this, so i have confidence in the ladies that ive seen, most of them on that list...

    Secondly, Anna S... from all the threads that i have ever read... you have never once been privi to this list or were ever considered on it... thus keep you mouth shut when it comes to the blame game or anything else in regard to this matter... I find it very strange that you can have the gaul to accuse everyone else yet you have never been part of it... you are starting to sound very very very suspicious to me as a gossip and general shit stirrer...

    Sorry that ive never come forward before and said anything about this... but this list also doesnt in anyway reflect on the service that any of these wonderful girls offer... isnt it strange if you look at all the reviews given... that the girls implecated on the list are some of the best and oldest working girls around and that all the girls that are now "mud slinging" are newbies and not that well known... LADIES PLEASE DONT BE STUPID AND MAKE YOURSELF SEEM BLAMELESS - IT ONLY MAKES YOU SEEM GUILTY... IF YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS LIST YOU SOULDNT HAVE ANY INFO ABOUT IT AND THEREFORE NOTHING TO SAY...

    Kind Regards

    BiG ApPlE
    i never get involved in any of this shite on here but fair play to u apple its about time someone put this mouth in her place and anna s u can say that i dont know u but i know alot about u from what u post on here

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Stop the Madness!!

    Ladies and Gentleman,

    What exactly is going on here? I go away for a few days to Amsterdam, only to come back to see all this stuff about a 'list'? This is crazy! I've spent over an hour reading posts, trying to catch-up on this topic, but I'm far from sure whether I've fully grasped what has happened. It seems to me that another escorting site was using and/or had created a 'good clients' list. This list, though the claims seem to vary, contained not only personal information about clients, including a physical description, sexual preferences, and even other 'personal notes', ranging from and/or including anything from level of personal hygiene, age, and looks, to penis size and who knows what else, but also client phone numbers? And there also seems to be debate as to how many of the numbers were published on the list, with claims seeming to say that only '6 out of 7' of any persons' number appeared, while others claim to have actually seen the list, and are saying their FULL NUMBER was published there? And, there is also the claim that some of the ladies who adertise on this site not only have access to this list, but in fact HELPED TO CREATE IT? And beyond that, it has also been said that this information has been 'leaked' and or 'hacked'? Is that an adequate and/or reasonably complete summary of what has taken place?

    I'm not sure yet just what to think about all of this; while I would be in total agreement that the ladies in this business should do as much as they can to protect their own safety and privacy (I hope NO ONE out there would disagree with that), I'm not sure if such a centralized 'database' of punters (especially ones which are deemed to be 'safe') is necessarily the right way to go about it. While such a 'list' might be a good (or at least acceptable) idea for punters deemed to be dangerous and/or timewasters, a list of 'good' clients might be a bit too much, especially if there is any truth to the allegations that this list contained personal information of any kind beyond giving the punter a 'thumb's up' or thumb's down' recommendation for other ladies to use as a reference, especially if phone numbers were on it. Even if most punters have a seperate 'punting only' sim card/phone number, it's completely inappropriate for that or any other information about a punter to be posted in any place where the information can be made public, 'hacked', 'stolen', or misused in anyway, the only possible exception being in regards to someone who has been flagged as danderous or a chronic timewaster.

    If ladies ask for references/recommendations from other ladies about clients through some other means, like phoning/texting each other (which some of the ladies have claimed to do), then that should be considered to be reasonable (or at lease acceptable) to most punters. Escorts are certainly within their rights to take precautions like this, especially if there is/was something which gave them a bad impression or feeling about a punter that was interested in meeting them. I hope that most of the other guys out there would have no problem with at least that much, where a lady would contact another to give her a 'yes' or 'no' answer about a potential punter/client regarding whether or not he can be trusted. I would peronally have no problem with at least that much information being given about me between escorts.

    It seems that the underlying issue which has caused so much hassle and discussion/debate here is the MEDIUM IN WHICH that information is transmitted. People seem to take issue with personal information of any kind being made available via the internet, and rightfully so. I would hope that none of my own personal information would find it's way on to any such list, even if I was being given excellent recommendations and declared to be a 'Handsome Stud' by every lady I've ever visited. None of that should matter one way or the other. But UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should a clients' personal information, especially a phone number, EVER appear on or within any website, even on pages that are supposed to be secure, the only possible exception being a list of 'bad' or otherwise 'to be avoided' people. Only via a more direct (and hopefully in that, a more SECURE) method, like via phone/text message, or MAYBE via P.M. on a site like this one, should any kind of 'recommendations' be given between escorts about (potential) clients. A centralized 'database' of clients, especially ones that are suppoed to be 'ok', can do nothing but cause undue hassle, stress, and paranoia for potential clients, and this much should be obvious if there is any truth to the seemingly large number of punters who believe or claim to know that any their personal information was publicly leaked or hacked into. I hope something can be figured out which will stisfy everyone!

    That's my contribution to the discussion. Hope everyone out there is doing well!

    Cable 87

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by Cable87 View Post

    It seems to me that another escorting site was using and/or had created a 'good clients' list.

    Cable 87
    Cable I'm sure like me you're going bleary eyed reading all this stuff, and I'd say after trawling through it you'll get the jist.

    But I wouldn't say it's correct to say "another escorting site was using and/or had created a 'good clients' list"

    I think it was more a group of escorts working together, and it being set up by one in particular.........
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

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