Theres been a discussion over on IIE in recent months about a certain number of escorts who use a good client list. It's obvious the list exists as certain clients on IIE have claimed to have seen it. I understand the need for a bad client list for security. But why are good clients put on a list. I've no problem with just my username been referenced. But theres supposedly other information like physical appearance or distinguishing features, phone numbers and sexual preferences. I don't know what other information is on it. I myself change my sim from time to time but other people wouldn't I'm sure. This list could get into the wrong hands and compromise clients privacy. We've seen an increasing amount of personal info been used on these forums and used for harmful purposes. Theres a few blogs going around at the moment threatening to expose information. Thankfully I don't give any real information. Theres plenty that do.

I'm just wondering why escorts would put all their clients information on a list. Not all escorts do this and some have distanced themselves from it and disagree with the process. It's bad enough one escort uses it but it's shared with quiet a few of them. I thought information with an escort was meant to be discreet not shared for all to see. Theirs obvious dangers it getting in the wrong hands. Peoples relationships etc.