I generally dont read newspapers.I read Viz,Beano,Dandy etc.They arent quite as funny but make a hell of alot more sense.Anyway when i read a newspaper ,a rare moment but also means i really have far too much time on my hands on that given day.

So im reading about ways i can save money in a re,fuck that word in a contracting economy.So one of the ways i can apparently save is.................

cut my own hair?????????Apparently the author,a woman,suggests that guys cut their own hair but maybe not the ladies.now whats the point here?Ladies hair dos are more expensive than my food bill and i eat a lot,apparently.

cut my own hair?Im all for equality but im not taking the chance of looking like an comedy sketch by cutting my own hair.Jesus,dig out the old potty from under the stairs,that dormant hidden item of days gone by,throw it over my head and cut my hair.

I would end up looking like like an upmarket St Francis of Assisi.Whats his prayer again?A yes,

God grant me the effort to change the things i can,
to accept the things i cannot,
and the ignorance of not wanting to know the difference.

Cut my own hair?What next drink my tom cats piss?Maybe a little sugar to sweeten it up and an ole drop of garlic to dampen the exotic tasty ingredients?

The fuckin check of them.And oh yeah the civil service is still threatening to go on strike.Fine go on strike but if productivity doesnt fall by the ammount expected on the strike days then they arent putting in a full days work are they?The CSO going on strike,the exchange going on strike?From what?Holidays?Extended leave?From fuckin what?

God i feel remarkably refreshed after that rant.I feel like a new man.

Westside 09 only one owner,