I'm coming here much less often than I used to, and punting less as a result. Maybe that's a good thing, but presumably not for the site...

1) Reviews no longer show favourites (search for recent reviews with e.g. "watersports" - last one was three months ago. Now almost no reviews have any favourites showing. Many old reviews were corrupted in the switch to the new site, e.g. some reviews that I distinctly remember having e.g. domination in a girl's favourites no longer show that. Basically, I used reviews from trusted reviewers with similar tastes to myself as a good indication that a girl not only said she did certain favourites but also actually did them properly, but that no longer is an effective way to find an escort.

2) Someone deemed that escorts would no longer be able to indicate certain very common favourites. Most of the domination-related ones are now reserved exclusively for dominatrixes. Why? Some "regular" escorts also specialised in this area and were very good at it, believe it or not. If the intention was to encourage such girls to take up and pay for a second profile it hasn't worked - there are only 12 dominatrix escorts today in the country and I think only one of them might a double for a regular escort. Why do the admins care if a "regular" girl wants to advertise a kinkier favourite? Also, I suspect that the text provided by girls is not permitted to say that they like being dominant etc., because plenty used to and no none do.

3) The mobile experience is terrible. The desktop experience has its pluses and minuses, but the extra bells and whistles don't compensate for the functionality that's disappeared. On desktop I definitely preferred the older site, but for mobile users the new site is bloody awful.

4) A lot of design decisions are really badly thought through. Take one example, searching in advanced search by appearance for ladies with larger cup size. You need to check about a dozen boxes individually to cover anything larger than a C-cup. A slider would have been perfect here.

Rant over, but to summarise, my reason for coming here was mostly to be able to reliably filter the girls who enjoyed doing the kinds of things I enjoy. I can no longer find them reliably and am relying more and more on a faulty memory about which girls used to say they were kinky and have clients whose reviews agreed with those claims.