Quote Originally Posted by bettercallsaul View Post
I’m not going to start up a poll as I would never be able to keep all tastes happy, and I would probably miss out on one of my favorites and never live it down

So what I’m proposing is the clients/forum members post up their nominations for the Award.
People Vote by thanking that post. The Punter nominated in the post with the most thanks, Wins. Simples

There is no prizes or trophies unless E.I. staff want to oblige!!

Each Nomination must have the following to qualify
• Punters name at the top
• followed by link to punters profile
• followed by a brief description of why you think said punter should win?
• Followed by a least one photo of Jack Lemon naked
• Try not to go over 4 pictures!

As with all competitions there is a Terms and Conditions.
1. All punters are eligible that have profiles
2. Only Client/Forum Members,escorts and mods can nominate so to be clear thats almost us all.
3. All forum members including Escorts are eligible to vote, once you have over 10 posts! Voting is done via thanking a post with the nominated punter.
4. Once an punter has being nominated they can’t be nominated again. But you can post additional pictures of Jack Lemon naked if you think it will help them to win. Please note that unless you thank the original post for the punter your vote will not be counted.
5. Please only use photos that in the public domain. No private pics of Jack Lemon unless you have his permission to post the picture.
6. Forum members can make more than one Nomination, but don't go crazy nominating every punter under the sun
7. Closing date for Voting is never

I will make the first nomination and we will see where it will go from there.


P.s this thread is a piss take no actual naked pics of Jack Lemon are required.
Seriously have you run out of thread ideas or replies to posts or don't feel you
Are popular enough or all of the above?