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Thread: Hungary Hold one's own and KEEP ON

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by nonpareil View Post
    Sherry is just expressing the concerns and opinions that many in S. E.Europe must be feeling at the moment.
    You are nicely Insulated from the events described in this thread, as you walk your dog along the banks of the Royal Canal , muttering to yourself, or whatever you do when not on here ;-)
    In all fairness Westie was told by Sherry that it's better if he doesn't express his opinions and some other derogatory comments.
    She in my opinion was out of line.
    He's entitled you make his comment without personal attack.
    If anyone behaved inappropriately it's her.

  2. #62
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    Mar 2015


    Sherry was just expressing her opinions about events in SE Europe and also her love for a certain poster;-)
    Seeing as Westie does not appear to be a thin skinned , shrinking violet....I think he'll survive unscathed.
    Hungary is deploying more robust tactics now it seems, army, rubber bullet use authorised, something called a "net gun".
    Then if countries in Northern Europe were being over run by so many people who may be refusing to be controlled /processed locally, you would likely see a quick hardening of attitudes up here too.

  3. #63
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by EIFII View Post
    No Tony, I don't think any country should be allowed to "shut up shop". May be I'm wrong to, but I would have expected more of Hungary than of Serbia and Croatia. I would prefer to see countries stand up for humanity rather than a race to the bottom, behaving in a base way because of the example set by their neighbours
    As I said in another thread Germany told these people to come they would take them and when too many came they closed the door like you invite all your neighbours to a party and a lot more turn up so you close your door and let someone else sort out the mess
    These are not refugees most are young man of military age and the civil defence is Syria can't get people to help because they are all trying to get to Europe
    ISIS must be very happy with the problem as if left it will destabilize Europe without a shot
    You can not blame the Hungarian police they were involved in a near riot and there is nowhere for these people to go they do not want to stay in eastern Europe they want to go west
    If you are running for your life you stay where you get first safe harbour

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to lapd For This Useful Post:

    Dutch1968 (22-09-15), Escort Advertiserjessicabp (22-09-15), Stephanie (22-09-15)

  5. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by EIFII View Post
    I've never been called an uninformed layman before, Steph?

    For once I think David Cameron has it right. Britain has contributed more to refugee aid in Syria and neighbouring countries than any other country. And personally, I have contributed to UNICEF who are working on the ground with refugees in the Middle East. I also admire the Swedish prime minister who has taken refugees into his own home to set an example to his country
    You are ever so eloquently sidestepping the immediate question .

    What of it ?

    As a brief update : today TearGas was employed in an effort to control illegal immigrants in France .

    : in the northern town of Calais (I know it well : Ferry port / Tunnel to UK) authorities had tried to move some

    illegal migrants' camps from one place to another . Migrants refused to cooperate , the French teargassed them .

    French govt well within its rights -- just as Hungary was a week ago .

    Where's the uproar re the French govt's actions !!!?

    : A sovereign nation has every right to defend its own borders .

    Even more so , a nation has an obligation to protect that border if in its actions it is also protecting the

    borders of the European Union that that country is a member of .

    Further update : apparently they have apprehended the instigator of last Wednesday's border rioting :

    Last Wed he was on the Serbian / Hungary border , by Sat am he was on Austrian / Hungarian border ,

    continuously inciting disruptions and violence . According to current information , this person has ties to

    terrorist organisations , and his 'mission' was to cause upheaval .

    In the meantime - in Germany a group of men have been caught with explosive materials and with their

    backgrounds being checked , authorities concerned if there's a wider group at play .
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    TonyStark (22-09-15)

  7. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
    You are ever so eloquently sidestepping the immediate question .

    What of it ?

    As a brief update : today TearGas was employed in an effort to control illegal immigrants in France .

    : in the northern town of Calais (I know it well : Ferry port / Tunnel to UK) authorities had tried to move some

    illegal migrants' camps from one place to another . Migrants refused to cooperate , the French teargassed them .

    French govt well within its rights -- just as Hungary was a week ago .

    Where's the uproar re the French govt's actions !!!?

    : A sovereign nation has every right to defend its own borders .

    Even more so , a nation has an obligation to protect that border if in its actions it is also protecting the

    borders of the European Union that that country is a member of .

    Further update : apparently they have apprehended the instigator of last Wednesday's border rioting :

    Last Wed he was on the Serbian / Hungary border , by Sat am he was on Austrian / Hungarian border ,

    continuously inciting disruptions and violence . According to current information , this person has ties to

    terrorist organisations , and his 'mission' was to cause upheaval .

    In the meantime - in Germany a group of men have been caught with explosive materials and with their

    backgrounds being checked , authorities concerned if there's a wider group at play .
    Stephanie, you've been very good with links so far.Maybe one or two covering the above incidents as well?
    What if "It's Raining Men" and 'Let the bodies hit the floor' are both about the same event but from different perspectives 🤔

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Cassandra For This Useful Post:

    joggon (23-09-15), Stephanie (23-09-15)

  9. #66
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    May 2014

    Think Islamists are the only religious terrorists? Meet some famous killers for Christ

    President Barack Obama raised hackles on the Christian right this week during his address to the 2015 National Prayer Breakfast.
    In the wake of the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris by Islamic extremists and the atrocities committed on video by ISIS, Obama urged Christians not to get too complacent in their view of Islam as a violent religion and Christianity as a peaceful one.
    “Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” said the president. “Slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
    Conservatives greeted this assertion with their usual unflappable calm and equanimity, which is to say, of course, that they pretty much all started screaming and soiling themselves at once.
    But because we’re so nice here at the Raw Story Historic Corrections Desk, we thought we’d share some examples of Christian extremist violence for the edification of our right-leaning friends who seem to believe that it’s nothing but Christmas trees and Easter lilies on their side of the church as opposed to IEDs and lynching ropes.
    Let’s begin, shall we?
    The Fourth Crusade
    When Obama cited the Crusades, it was to conjure the image of Christians doing their own brand of Jihad in centuries past. But what kind of Holy War was the Fourth Crusade? As always, the goal was to take Jerusalem back for Christianity, but the long slog to the Holy Land in the early 13th century was dangerous and slow. The mostly French holy soldiers of the Fourth Crusade sought a quicker passage, by boat to Egypt, and the independent state of Venice offered to lend 200 boats to make it happen. But Venice had a condition — help us retake the city of Zara from Hungarian invaders. So before they could leave for Egypt, the crusaders attacked Zara — a Christian city — to conquer it for Venice. With that dirty work out of the way, they set sail for Constantinople and did the unthinkable, sacking the largest, most sophisticated city in Christendom on the promise of cash offered by a pretender to the city’s throne. Sated with blood and gold, the crusaders headed home after defeating Constantinople, and never even got to the Holy Land. Praise the Lord!

    The Holocaust
    Jews were persecuted and ghettoized for centuries in Europe. During World War II, a staunchly Christian Adolf Hitler proposed the notorious “Final Solution” as his armies rounded up and exterminated some 6 million Jews over the course of the Nazi Party’s rise and precipitous fall.

    Many conservatives have attempted to obscure the Nazi Party’s ties to extreme Christianism by asserting the Nazi officers dabbled in the occult or to risibly accuse the German National Socialist Party of being a left-wing, atheist organization. In fact the Nazis were staunchly Christian and relied heavily on the anti-Semitic theories and writings of Martin Luther, founder of the Protestant church.
    “We are at fault in not avenging all this innocent blood of our Lord and the blood of the children [Jews] have shed since then (which still shines forth from their eyes and their skin),” wrote Luther. “We are at fault in not slaying them.”
    The Ku Klux Klan
    America’s earliest home-grown white nationalist militia rooted their pro-segregation philosophy and anti-black and anti-Jew violence in the belief that they were enforcing God’s law on behalf of the chosen people, the white race.

    To this day, Klansmen and women will cheerfully assure you that they are good, law-abiding Christians who are acting out of defense of what they see as a beleaguered white population.
    “We don’t hate people because of their race, I mean, we’re a Christian organization,”said the Klan’s Frank Ancona in 2014. “We want to stay white. It’s not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy.”
    The Otherside Lounge Bombing
    In 1997, Christian terrorist Eric Robert Rudolf planted and detonated a homemade bomb at the Atlanta LGBT bar the Otherside Lounge. Four people were injured. A second bomb failed to detonate.

    Rudolph bombed abortion clinics in Birmingham and Atlanta, killing three people in all and injuring 111 others. He was apprehended by police in 2003 and remains in federal custody.

    Anti-choice violence
    Because these individuals believe that God is acting through them to save the lives of unborn children, they are willing to commit acts of extreme violence to deny women access to reproductive health care.

    So-called “pro-life” organizations have become some of the most dangerous and violent religious zealots in the U.S. today. It is hard to isolate any single incident because over the last two decades, groups like Operation Rescue have set fire to women’s health centers, murdered doctors like Kansas’ Dr. George Tiller in cold blood, and gunned down clinic workers, nurses and bystanders.
    And those are just a few examples, kids. So, the next time someone tries to tell you that Islam produces the only violent religious extremists of the world, ask them how Dr. Tiller’s widow probably feels about that, or the survivors of Eric Rudolph’s murderous rampages. Praise Jesus and pass the ammunition!
    Other opinions are allowed
    Age doesn't equal maturity - just look around !
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  10. The Following User Says Thank You to joggon For This Useful Post:

    nonpareil (23-09-15)

  11. #67
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    For anyone wishing to express support for Prime Minister Orban and the Hungarian people.

  12. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Stephanie, you've been very good with links so far.Maybe one or two covering the above incidents as well?
    I'm getting it all from local newscasts xx

    Dunno if there's Links , if there are , dunno how to do them x

    : MTV 1
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  13. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Stephanie, you've been very good with links so far.Maybe one or two covering the above incidents as well?
    In addition to local television reports , obviously some of my posts were recounting my personal experience here ,

    'Eyewitness' report if you will xx
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    Cassandra (23-09-15)

  15. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Stephanie, you've been very good with links so far.Maybe one or two covering the above incidents as well? (No mention of explosives though.) (A great big mess created by you know who!)

    Of course one shouldn't believe everything one reads.
    Last edited by Prickly; 23-09-15 at 06:45.

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Prickly For This Useful Post:

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