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Thread: New Website - Issues the definitive list

  1. #1

    Default New Website - Issues the definitive list

    Hi All,

    Due to the website being updated, and the huge amount of discussions going on about it, mostly disliking the new layout, i wonder id the development team and admisitrators wouldnt like a thread which specifically is NOT discussions, but ONLY for issues both escorts and clients see with the new site. This being a list of sorts that they can take away and discuss themselves or even post some updates to us, the community and address some of them. Either they plan to "roll back" to the previous version of the site, make additional changes(Furture updates), or leave things the way they are. I invite anyone to add their genuine user issues though.

    I'd also appreciate it if people didnt chime in with general chat, or slagging eachother, I want this to be a list, easy to review and discuss. So that the EI team get direct feed back from their community about how they want to use the site, at the end of the day the site of for the community, not what they want to develop, supporting the users must be the end goal, or the whole point is lost.

    1) The massive layout - When I navigate to, the first thing I notice are these huge buttons dominating the header section of a page, "Escorts", "Erotic Massage","Domination", "Other". While these may be nice in some way, that are huge buttons way over sized to allow good page view on a laptop.

    2) The massive layout - When I navigate to, the second thing I notice is the insanely large interractive map, while a nice feature, i cannot see anything until i scroll down a full page length. The map shows only numbers of escorts in an area, not the escorts themselves, which to my view is a bit pointless. As a client, I want to view those in the area im looking not know the count of those in the area. I can click further on each individual, but by comparison, the way the dublin map used to be laid out, i opened an area in my browser and could review all escorts.

    3) The massive layout - When I navigate to,the third thing i notice is the "New arrivals" "arriving today" "coming soon", still oversized buttons there, also, they are not fully in line with eachother. I'm not sure what the difference is between New arrivals and arriving today is, it does not show the same escorts lists in the same fashion, but to me it should mean the same thing.

    4) The massive layout - When I navigate to, the third thing i notice is the "Search" features and the individual advertising, this is a blocky, ugly layout, but again, its far oversized for easy use.

    5) The colour scheme, who thought this one up? Its like development coloured items to identify objects onscreen, then never changed them to be uniform before making the site public, neon pink, blue, and the good old EI green we are used to. There is no white space, so there is no relaxing for the eye, it is hard to rest on any one area, the screen is just so "Busy" its difficult to distinguish between sections of the page for what a user wants.

    6) Escort Thumbnails - yes its a nice feature, but it has its drawbacks.
    - I cannot right click and open several escorts and review which one i would like to call, i must open one at a time. Frustrating
    - Did anyone in dev do anything called "profiling" using google chrome of firefox, you can view the page and its resources, images, css, javascript etc... The sheer size of the page when loading up "more" is unreal, its into 7-9mb for a page, where it used to be about 2mb. The page is so much heavier, meaning slower to get to, harder to access. People on mobile devices as standard keep their connections open longer than desktop users, so it must be slowing things down a lot.

    7) Performance, has anyone notices the entire site is slower, well could be down to the pages being a lot larger now, downloading more information take longer, also means the EI servers are busier doing more work, which means server less people faster.

    8) Headers, pink writing in the bottom section on a white back ground was a poor choice for readability for users.

    9) The Community link -, in the second level navigation menu, click the community link, it no longer takes users to the Forums as it once did, im now earing blog entries and interviews, this behavior has changed and its confusing for users, why did this change, i want to go to the forums, from there i can read the interviews and blogs if I want, but please dont force me to go there, then click to where i wanted to go. Its wasteful heuristics, and your resources on servers, and my time, its frustrating for users.

    10) Search - This is a big one.
    - Search used to allow you to search for your fetishes, which you cant do anymore
    - search used to allow you to select mulitple counties if you were intested in travelling, or search the whole country
    - The search age range...thats a drag and click, ok good...BUT, the numbers are displayed under your finger or cursor, so you cant see what you are dragging it to until you lift your finger or cursor away. the drop downs were far better.
    - The entire search feature is just downgraded from what it used to be
    - i can no longer specify to only show escorts with genuine phots
    - i can no longer specify to show escorts with or allow reviews only
    - search displays a very limited selection of escorts, it shows perhaps 20, where before it could show everyone and display it on multiple pages if needed.

    11) Viewing an escorts page - lots here to discuss.
    - scrolling phots, reminds me of a long since dead escort website, a nice feature perhaps, but slower would be nicer.
    - The introduction text is now at the very end of a page, and appears to be more of a foot note, however, i always found this to be very important, when reviewing an escort if i wished to meet this introduction came before anything else, stats, favorites, price etc...It is the escorts was of displaying their personality on which i based my decision heavily.
    - clicking to see a number ir pure insanity, it used to be displayed easily and readily diallable from mobile with a single click, its not now.therfore less accessible.
    -Messageboard identity and last online times, I know several escorts who did not want to display their message board ID's publically, seems now they dont have a choice. and the last online time is 1) useless as it does not guarantee response 2) none of our business.
    -the 4 heading images, communication, rates and average ratings, completely unnecessary. huge blocky in the way images, a heading text would suffice and make the page easier to read. eyes are drawn to these images, but they serve no purpose, what a user wants is the information below those images, its distracting and consuming space. white space is better.
    -The sections themselves, the old layout was far more readable, i get that its the same information, but its in a much more difficult to understand and instantly read at a glance. it now requires more time to revise to understand. several fields of information have changed, such as Waist, hips used to be one set of measurements.
    - The Average ratings, its actually a very nice feature, i like it, but its implemented badly, its a huge section for a very small amount of information.
    -Incall rates and outcall rates, two large sections for what used to be on the old layout one small section well laid out in a single table
    - Fake photo reports are gone, i cant report anyone anymore if i wanted to
    - Gallery, fine, though i would have expected to be able to zoom photos here, given the rest of the sites feel.
    - Diarl, what a mess, a few simple lines of text used to tell us when escorts would be available, what dates. Now we are limited to one week, and in a terrible and quite unreadable colour scheme. just because you can make a gant chart, doesnt mean you should. The key information someone wants is when they are available from and to, e.g. 10am-11pm. but now the eye must scan the width of the whole page for that small piece of information.
    - Reviews, 1 page of stats information, then I have to scroll down.
    - I can no longer right click and open multiple reviews at a time, its now view one, go back, view another, go back...tedious. i want to read what other clients have to say, but this is so much more effort for the same task it used to be.
    - The sections now displaying what a user wrote appears a a side note, less important than their stats it would seem, but as a client, reading the experience of others is what is more important to me.
    - Email Me - on an escorts page, doesnt work, perhaps thats just some escorts that dont want emails and they disabled the feature, or maybe its all of them. but as a client i cant know that, to me it appears to be a button that does nothing, which is frustrating, if i see it i want to use it and cant, its useless.

    12) I went to the EI site, I saw a button for a mobile app, i went to the link and was told, "its coming soon", quite frustrating, there is no point in offering something that is not yet available to users, it would be better to say "mobile app coming soon" as an image, than have a user go through a process to be told that, expecting a mobile app and being let down.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Kraxis For This Useful Post:

    DevTeam (21-08-15), seank (21-08-15), susietranslut (25-08-15)

  3. #2


    13) Next up,, there used to be counts on all of the links on the page, either for arriving soon or arrived today, total number in dublin etc... these are gone, so i dont know where i want to spend my time looking first, i just have to look at it all. it may be that if there were few arrivals today, i'd look at coming soon instead first, or vice versa.

    14) Profiling -
    The absolute sheer amount of 302 redirect requests. the entire site appears to be loaded on redirections. what is going on here? in terms of page load times it takes longer than if it was loaded direct. and it costs more to host as it costs more power to run.

    15) Profiling -
    I'm on my laptop right now, but it clearly says im loading mobile.css among the resources. Is there no user agent string identification to serve targeted resources? as a desktop user, i do not need to receive mobile resources, its wasteful, im downloading more than i need to. also if the same is true for mobile, god knows what im downloading that i dont need to display there?

    16) Recent Updates -!feed
    - the spacing on this page is woeful, what used to be a line of text on the old site, is now a 1 inch ordeal of taking up space to display...the same line of text, and a thumbnail which is really too small to see the escort clearly.

    17) "Premium Escorts" -!premium
    - what the heck is this? really....also, please do not display a link that has nothing on it, its frustrating to users. sure it might come in a "future update" but then there is no reason for it to be here, right now. users click it, it wastes their time and your resources to do it.

    18) Blog -
    I went here from another page, and had no way to navigate back, except for clicking back endlessly, where has all the rest of the navigtions menus gone on this page?

    19) My "Dashboard" -Dear god! why!!?
    -First up its nice to see my favorites, ok, i get it. BUT, The new size and layout is far oversized for the same information, i think the pictures are even roughly the same size as they used to be, but what we had was whether they were available or not below their picture. Not that its a box, it takes up about 4 times the space as it used to, so i see less information at a glance, its clukny as an interface. I only see 4 of them here, where originally it displayed 40 or so.
    -I dont need to see my own list of latest forum posts, that used to be a link on my profile if i wanted to see it now i dont have a choice, but really, its just taking up valuable screen space which could be used for something else. even less clutter would be better.
    - I dont see my email, anywhere, no inbox, outbox, archives....nothing, no popup for me having new mail.
    - The favorites page, is now about 4 pages long to scroll down through, it used to be look at in its entirely without scrolling.
    -The favorites page, it used to divide out my favorite escorts from my favorite duo escorts, this was much better, i now have to "dig in" and search rather than review at a glance.
    - From dashboard, i cant see my own profile, but if i go to the community forums, i can see those links, this is extremely confusing as there is no clearly defined site map to navigte, no flow to follow, its not intuitive or the same each page or experience.
    - just found my email from earlier on the links in the community forums. that was an effort to find, it ws like where's wally.

    20) The forums
    - The are zero members in the chat room, yep, oh wait, i cant find a link to the chat rooms anywhere, so that might be why. cant chat to anyone anymroe.
    - it jsut seems like so much is missing from the nemu navigations that were in place before.

    21) view the old design --
    where do i begin. its like someone ran over it, its now almost roadkill. its not dead, but it is twitching, waiting to die. almost begging for it.
    so many options are lost, missing, or no longer available.
    - Dublin escorts, no longer has a map
    - Dublin escorts no longer does a count for escorts advertising in certain locations e.g. Dublin 1, dublin 2
    - its supposed to be the old site, but i cant use the old search features which were far more detailed and usable with better results.
    - what i can do....i can search for female -> escorts. click the search button.
    Then i am displayed a further option to search with favorites and click search again. BUT I get no search results, i am looped back to the same page i just clicked search on.
    - I cant see who arrived today, who is coming in the next few days, i cant see duo's, coulples or tv's
    - duo's and couples are now grouped together.

    This page, really, the first menus, there are scrolling images of the esorts who are available, BUT, right in front of them on either side are two huge selection menus, blocking 50% of the scrolling images. quite wasteful, cluttered and frustrating.

    -- underneath the thumbnails of the escorts is 5 new stats, escorts online, logged in, online now etc... except this is a massive waste of space, its not like i can click and see who is online and get more information, this is the extent of the information.
    --underneath the thumbnails of escorts, is a very large section titled "Escort Ireland" with 6 large sections of text laid out, is this really necessary, its such a large layout for such a small set of information, grey writing against white is hard to read

    23) I use firefox, when i first went to the site -
    I HAD to zoom out twice manually, CTRL + -. items just were not displaying on page and i had to scroll left and right on page to see everything.

    24) user interface, the logout button "signout", as standard its on the top right where users expect to see it, it is now on the top left. quite an unusual design choice.

    25) escorts i had bookmarked in my browser, those pages no longer work for a lot of them.

    overall there are a lot of design flaws, difficult to read and poor colour schemes being the least of the worries. I wonder if how people use the site was taken into account in designing the new layout. I'm not knocking the developers, im sure they did what was asked and that it took a lot of effort to do. but what has been implemented is a shadow of the pervious version of the website.

    In any upgrade or new release the goal should be to enhance the users experience. not re-train the users to do something new or force them into a new path for doing things, which by the way is a longer process for most. The options where the community used before should still be accessible, but many are just gone completely.

    I wonder also if during design, website performance was taken into account while implementing the new options, developing on your own machine vs testing under user load and service level agreements on response times and agreed page weight. e.g not exceeding 3mb and take more than 4 seconds to load.

    User interface or quality assurance testing has clearly been left off the table, or many of these issues should have been raised in house. e.g doing 6 clicks for a new process vs 2 in the old site. leaving out important features and key information, drastic changes to layout which make it harder to read and understand the same information.

    Please, let this get passed to the Dev team, or someone reply to this.
    And if community users add to this, please let it be only genuine issues, not chat or spam. lets get this to Dev and support and keep it easy for them to review and discuss.

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Kraxis For This Useful Post:

    DevTeam (21-08-15), seank (21-08-15), Sterling Archer (24-08-15), susietranslut (25-08-15)

  5. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    You forgot whinging incompetent lazy users ...

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Jiberjabber For This Useful Post:

    Naughtynatalie (21-08-15), SmallHorn (21-08-15)

  7. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kraxis View Post
    13) Next up,, there used to be counts on all of the links on the page, either for arriving soon or arrived today, total number in dublin etc... these are gone, so i dont know where i want to spend my time looking first, i just have to look at it all. it may be that if there were few arrivals today, i'd look at coming soon instead first, or vice versa.

    14) Profiling -
    The absolute sheer amount of 302 redirect requests. the entire site appears to be loaded on redirections. what is going on here? in terms of page load times it takes longer than if it was loaded direct. and it costs more to host as it costs more power to run.

    15) Profiling -
    I'm on my laptop right now, but it clearly says im loading mobile.css among the resources. Is there no user agent string identification to serve targeted resources? as a desktop user, i do not need to receive mobile resources, its wasteful, im downloading more than i need to. also if the same is true for mobile, god knows what im downloading that i dont need to display there?

    16) Recent Updates -!feed
    - the spacing on this page is woeful, what used to be a line of text on the old site, is now a 1 inch ordeal of taking up space to display...the same line of text, and a thumbnail which is really too small to see the escort clearly.

    17) "Premium Escorts" -!premium
    - what the heck is this? really....also, please do not display a link that has nothing on it, its frustrating to users. sure it might come in a "future update" but then there is no reason for it to be here, right now. users click it, it wastes their time and your resources to do it.

    18) Blog -
    I went here from another page, and had no way to navigate back, except for clicking back endlessly, where has all the rest of the navigtions menus gone on this page?

    19) My "Dashboard" -Dear god! why!!?
    -First up its nice to see my favorites, ok, i get it. BUT, The new size and layout is far oversized for the same information, i think the pictures are even roughly the same size as they used to be, but what we had was whether they were available or not below their picture. Not that its a box, it takes up about 4 times the space as it used to, so i see less information at a glance, its clukny as an interface. I only see 4 of them here, where originally it displayed 40 or so.
    -I dont need to see my own list of latest forum posts, that used to be a link on my profile if i wanted to see it now i dont have a choice, but really, its just taking up valuable screen space which could be used for something else. even less clutter would be better.
    - I dont see my email, anywhere, no inbox, outbox, archives....nothing, no popup for me having new mail.
    - The favorites page, is now about 4 pages long to scroll down through, it used to be look at in its entirely without scrolling.
    -The favorites page, it used to divide out my favorite escorts from my favorite duo escorts, this was much better, i now have to "dig in" and search rather than review at a glance.
    - From dashboard, i cant see my own profile, but if i go to the community forums, i can see those links, this is extremely confusing as there is no clearly defined site map to navigte, no flow to follow, its not intuitive or the same each page or experience.
    - just found my email from earlier on the links in the community forums. that was an effort to find, it ws like where's wally.

    20) The forums
    - The are zero members in the chat room, yep, oh wait, i cant find a link to the chat rooms anywhere, so that might be why. cant chat to anyone anymroe.
    - it jsut seems like so much is missing from the nemu navigations that were in place before.

    21) view the old design --
    where do i begin. its like someone ran over it, its now almost roadkill. its not dead, but it is twitching, waiting to die. almost begging for it.
    so many options are lost, missing, or no longer available.
    - Dublin escorts, no longer has a map
    - Dublin escorts no longer does a count for escorts advertising in certain locations e.g. Dublin 1, dublin 2
    - its supposed to be the old site, but i cant use the old search features which were far more detailed and usable with better results.
    - what i can do....i can search for female -> escorts. click the search button.
    Then i am displayed a further option to search with favorites and click search again. BUT I get no search results, i am looped back to the same page i just clicked search on.
    - I cant see who arrived today, who is coming in the next few days, i cant see duo's, coulples or tv's
    - duo's and couples are now grouped together.

    This page, really, the first menus, there are scrolling images of the esorts who are available, BUT, right in front of them on either side are two huge selection menus, blocking 50% of the scrolling images. quite wasteful, cluttered and frustrating.

    -- underneath the thumbnails of the escorts is 5 new stats, escorts online, logged in, online now etc... except this is a massive waste of space, its not like i can click and see who is online and get more information, this is the extent of the information.
    --underneath the thumbnails of escorts, is a very large section titled "Escort Ireland" with 6 large sections of text laid out, is this really necessary, its such a large layout for such a small set of information, grey writing against white is hard to read

    23) I use firefox, when i first went to the site -
    I HAD to zoom out twice manually, CTRL + -. items just were not displaying on page and i had to scroll left and right on page to see everything.

    24) user interface, the logout button "signout", as standard its on the top right where users expect to see it, it is now on the top left. quite an unusual design choice.

    25) escorts i had bookmarked in my browser, those pages no longer work for a lot of them.

    overall there are a lot of design flaws, difficult to read and poor colour schemes being the least of the worries. I wonder if how people use the site was taken into account in designing the new layout. I'm not knocking the developers, im sure they did what was asked and that it took a lot of effort to do. but what has been implemented is a shadow of the pervious version of the website.

    In any upgrade or new release the goal should be to enhance the users experience. not re-train the users to do something new or force them into a new path for doing things, which by the way is a longer process for most. The options where the community used before should still be accessible, but many are just gone completely.

    I wonder also if during design, website performance was taken into account while implementing the new options, developing on your own machine vs testing under user load and service level agreements on response times and agreed page weight. e.g not exceeding 3mb and take more than 4 seconds to load.

    User interface or quality assurance testing has clearly been left off the table, or many of these issues should have been raised in house. e.g doing 6 clicks for a new process vs 2 in the old site. leaving out important features and key information, drastic changes to layout which make it harder to read and understand the same information.

    Please, let this get passed to the Dev team, or someone reply to this.
    And if community users add to this, please let it be only genuine issues, not chat or spam. lets get this to Dev and support and keep it easy for them to review and discuss.
    This is an excellent post. You have taken time to identify what issues you feel are present and have given reasons for same.

    We will certainly take your comments into consideration during our managers meeting in the morning, ill print off copies and make it a point of discussion.

    A few of the issues you mentioned have since been taken care of during the last 48 hours but we continue to take the feedback on board and make changes with that in mind.

    I will provide an update tomorrow.

    Please continue to let us know what you like and what you dont. There is no option to go back to the old site, so its important that we build on what we have, this is the basis for a lot of new features that will be implemented in the coming months.

    This was a mamoth of a task, taking a website built over the last 15 years with millions of pieces of user data that had to be migrated, combining 6 individual websites into one code base. We havn't got it perfect but we will work with you to make it into the site that people want.


  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to DevTeam For This Useful Post:

    Naughtynatalie (21-08-15), KimeraRoss (21-08-15)

  9. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Why not reduce data delete the history on escort community just keep the last two months.Delete information of escort than inactive for over three years.
    Last edited by tony1; 21-08-15 at 00:44.

  10. #6


    The new layout is really distracting. It's not as accessible as the old design, if most people on EI are like myself, I like to log on click and go... It's overly produced, there is to much going on to be honest, I think a simpler design like the old one is preferred especially with people who don't spend a lot of time online, over all it's a nice design but doesn't fit the theme of this particular site.


  11. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to johntattoo For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserAyannaMelek (21-08-15), MR-LOVA (21-08-15), newballsplease (21-08-15), Escort AdvertiserStephanie (21-08-15)

  12. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by johntattoo View Post
    The new layout is really distracting. It's not as accessible as the old design, if most people on EI are like myself, I like to log on click and go... It's overly produced, there is to much going on to be honest, I think a simpler design like the old one is preferred especially with people who don't spend a lot of time online, over all it's a nice design but doesn't fit the theme of this particular site.

    True, some people actually don't have the time to browse through 7 million links. User friendly they said, it will be more efficient they said ������
    [B][I]Life is too short for bad coffee and bad sex.

  13. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to AyannaMelek For This Useful Post:

    johntattoo (23-08-15), newballsplease (21-08-15), Escort AdvertiserStephanie (21-08-15), tipp oldie (21-08-15)

  14. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Curvy Nina View Post
    True, some people actually don't have the time to browse through 7 million links. User friendly they said, it will be more efficient they said ������
    Hi Nina,

    Again, please provide examples of the journey that takes longer, there are much less pages with the new design so every journey should be shorter.


  15. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by DevTeam View Post
    Hi Nina,

    Again, please provide examples of the journey that takes longer, there are much less pages with the new design so every journey should be shorter.

    Them journeys are not shorter !

    Was on phone with one of your colleagues this morning -- a most wonderful and pleasant man .

    Bottom line as I had discussed it with him at length : iOS 6 (I know -- me Old School ! But me not only one !!) crashes

    when clicking on 'Escorts' . Period.

    Not acceptable !!

    Further : once I manage to bypass the above issue , it is just TOO MANY CLICKS to get anywhere !!!

    As I discussed with EI this morning -- boys (men) with a Hardon have no 'mind' to be clicking buttons !!

    You gotta Streamline !!

    Plz make site and SEARCH User Friendly !! >>> the least amount of 'Clicks' for guy to find :

    'Mature' , or Price Brackets , or Location .

    As is , it ain't doing it !

    I had UK friend on desktop computer trying to find me.

    He couldn't.

    If your girls are losing business , they'll be gone.

    Quickish like x

    Last edited by Stephanie; 21-08-15 at 11:37.
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    susietranslut (25-08-15)

  17. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by johntattoo View Post
    The new layout is really distracting. It's not as accessible as the old design, if most people on EI are like myself, I like to log on click and go... It's overly produced, there is to much going on to be honest, I think a simpler design like the old one is preferred especially with people who don't spend a lot of time online, over all it's a nice design but doesn't fit the theme of this particular site.

    It's the difference between a 'Michelin' Star Restaurant >> over handled , trying too hard ,

    Or a campfire Steak under the skies :

    One is falling over itself to prove it's worthy ,

    The other achieves it without trying.
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  18. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    johntattoo (23-08-15), susietranslut (25-08-15), The dirt bird (21-08-15)

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