There's been a lot of talk about escorts lowering their prices in view of the recession, I don't think they should. These girls are selling their souls and they can't possibly be aroused for every punter, they just have to play the part, they are providing a good service for shallow men like ourselves, I'm a married man and feel terribly guilty about my secret carryings on, although I'm totally hooked, I can't get enough, I'm getting on a bit and I find these escorts exciting and irresistable, so I'm prepared to pay for the thrill of half an hour or one hour to be with these gorgeous young women (and the mature ones too - like myself).

So the moral of the story is that these fabulous young women are worth every cent, just imagine some of the shit they have to take, drunk punters, ugly ones, dirty ones, (as Tina Turner says "I don't look at their faces"

So keep the good work up girls, keep entertaining pathetic letchers like ourselves, your worth all the money you get.