Quote Originally Posted by Babs View Post
you seem to ave short term selective memory down to a fine art cause i recall you were at least two others. paris hilton and some bird called cortine or somink. if yur gonna lie lizbet try and remember that we don't have goldfish memorys like you. you created others so you are a hypocrite.

Whats your problem...............i have not had or used any other folk on here i have always been just me so just shows you, i would imagine that you think that i am johnny allen, clarence hilten, come on who else am i - do tell me cos im dying to know - maybe im brenda or anita sizzle or perhaps im anna s or maybe im lots of others - who knows, who cares, well it would seem that you do.........come on then who the hell are you dear babs, got the balls to say who you really are........ nerr i doubt it.

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