Your logic is unassailable and I’ve been harping on about much the same for months. It should be quality of posts that determines this places worth in the firmament of sites such as these and not shear quantity alone. I agree with you that to date owner saw a busy site as a healthy site regardless of content, bullying and shear verbal thuggery. I warned her months ago of what would happen if she did not treat everyone equal and its only because of the never ending arseache and being up half the night monitoring boards that is making her see that the kind of stuff being said is damaging her business and taking up her time

The new rules and mods seem to be on the back burner but that may be down to Christmas and new year but she has already undermined the whole point of both in only imposing a month ban for something so serious.

If a month for that then what is planned for lesser things? Five minute bannings or 10 minutes time outs on the first step of the stairs? Its already become a joke and agree that any Escort posting here takes a chance that is not worth taking for their crime in just speaking their mind for fear of upsetting spoilt little boys. I also told her that she would make more money if the atmosphere improved here as a better and more fun vibe will attract more people and more Escorts will see it as good and safe place to do business or just take part. Its been a perfectly active and vibrant place these past few weeks with a certain stain on the rep of males everywhere was sent to Hollyhead so with the simple step of rules being strongly enforced there is no reason why that can’t continue.

Even I know of two Escorts who do not advertise here because of these issues so that is money not going into E-I’s bank account as a DIRECT result of owners failure to impose a level playing field for all. I also pointed out the financial incentives to owner to improve things months ago.

I also agree with what you say about it always being independents that come a cropper here as an Escort told me something that stopped me dead in my tracks when she pointed that out as I never made the connection and she is spot on and I also know the reason why this is the case.

We are of like mind West, to the point that even I suspect we share the same IP