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Thread: I want to tell you guys how much fun i have had here but its time to go.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Thats interesting what makes Dolly your favourite then - do tell.

    Brenda gets picked on cos she is like a vulcano - you never know when she is going to erupt and to be honest thats not too pretty. Just my thoughts though and sure i will get shot down for saying that......she swears and that to me is just ugly - i don't swear never felt the need to........only when totally exasperated.

    There are a few on t his site that i know very well and talk on the blower to and msn loads back and forth and have got a rappot with them that i cannot say for others. As for it being a mans world i think i would have to disagree it is and will be for many many years in all fields of work - as far as fleecing people of their hard earnt money from this end of things thats a different matter. - i would add that if you were not satisfied with what you were doing with pamela why didnt you change what you were doing and go for something else, would seem the most sensible thing to do.

    I just have one report from Cork as all the men i saw were Mr Married or never did reports other than one nbt but then he is king of reports, mind he got the time and the dosh wrong on the report and well wasnt really that enthralling to be honest - wouldnt make me want to see me thats for sure.

    Still i have reviews on my website from clients and on captain69 so im not that bothered.

    Take care and maybe see you if you are around in Cork - possibly Galway too for mr mate Rodeoman.......and galwaylad........etc., nothing sorted on that front yet.

    Happy new year to you and yours.....xxxxx
    Dolly is my favorite. Because i think any body that has been with Dolly will just know why and if you havent you are missing out on some thing really special.
    Hope you had a good christmas and santa brought you all you were looking for.
    To all who are reading this i wish you a happy and prosperous new year and remember carma do unto others as they would do unto you ( before you say it i probably got the spelling or quote wrong i dont care its the tought that counts)

  2. #32
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by irishjp View Post
    Dolly is my favorite. Because i think any body that has been with Dolly will just know why and if you havent you are missing out on some thing really special.
    Hope you had a good christmas and santa brought you all you were looking for.
    To all who are reading this i wish you a happy and prosperous new year and remember carma do unto others as they would do unto you ( before you say it i probably got the spelling or quote wrong i dont care its the tought that counts)

    Well thats says nothing to me which is why i think that you men live in cocoons - no santa didnt get me what i wanted actually - was promised a juke box but didnt get it so theres that one gone in a puff of smoke -

    You say lots of nothing on here which is a shame cos i dont see any of your points - so i cannot comment - i have seen dolly in the chat room - we talk privately there as it gets so stupid and over heated and we feel that its not really our thing - folk get picked on in there too - that should be looked at along with the fact that there are some that say things that are out of turn - like where you are staying whilst in a county.......mmm make note still not reported that.....

    If you have been onto Dolly's website and mine they are totally different hers is all flowery which in fairness is not my style.......not that sort but what we do share is that we are both a bit quirky......and i like that in people, i like that in all of my friends which is why we get on..........we are both very truthful and say what we do and don't like which i think is a good the picture and the artist - she loved it - for me was not my cup of tea - we say it and there is no offence taken - thats how it should be.

    Take care and have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2009 - well two out of three ain't bad........xxxx Lizzy

  3. #33

    Default Good morning Liz

    Well, I havnt even been to bed. Its 7:15am here! Anyway, yep you're right. We are friends, sometimes we have different opinions, but thats no problem at all. Spice is the variety. If we all were the same, it would be so boring wouldnt it? Well, JP and I have a special friendship, thats why he loves me as much as he says. And I'm certainly happy about it. He is one of the nicest most easy-going guys I met in Ireland.
    Just so you know, about the art... Im sure I will also like the art you like. I pretty much like all art, no matter what the style. Well, ok, maybe thats not true. I REALLY DONT LIKE H.R. Giger paintings. I think they are pretty Fucked up!

    Last edited by DollyDarling; 27-12-08 at 12:29.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by marijuana View Post

    look at the state of your avatar you old hag
    fuck off and dont come back
    U orrible litte weed, an at christmas n all. Wotsamatta dopey? can't andel a real woman wivout some snout?

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    I am going nowhere as Pat has dealt with the matter for me........shes good like that. So sorry little marijuana man not leaving and the thing is twats like you make me more determined to keep on keeping on.

    Coming back to Cork second week in January so maybe catch you to stay for longer as i didnt get to see all that wanted to see me. By a long chalk.

    Take care.... xxx Lizzy
    If by 2nd week of January you mean the week of the 5th then I will see you for sure, but if you mean the week of the 12th I'm gonna miss you once more, 'cos I'm away 'till the 22nd! Really glad you're not quitting though, and the matter's been sorted.
    If I don't get to see you this trip I'll definately see you next time. Have a good 1, and enjoy Cork.

  6. #36
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron n Reg View Post
    U orrible litte weed, an at christmas n all. Wotsamatta dopey? can't andel a real woman wivout some snout?
    Reg, Ron - ignore him - I do and thats what makes him mad.......still thats about the way that he is. What can i tell you all the men i saw loved what they saw especially one outfit but keeping that under raps........ xxx

    Don't have a go at Dolly cos she is a nice lady ......... guess she must be cream crackered not having slept last night - poor Dolly, bet you aren't feeling so great today. When you coming back to Ireland poppet.

    xxx Lizzy xxx

  7. #37
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by cantwell4 View Post
    If by 2nd week of January you mean the week of the 5th then I will see you for sure, but if you mean the week of the 12th I'm gonna miss you once more, 'cos I'm away 'till the 22nd! Really glad you're not quitting though, and the matter's been sorted.
    If I don't get to see you this trip I'll definately see you next time. Have a good 1, and enjoy Cork.

    No not coming then coming on the 13th and leaving two weeks later and then i may go on to see my darling Rodeoman in Galway. for a few days. Not sure yet - i would add that i am supposed to be going with a friend, she was supposed to come over this afternoon and go through all the stuff with me, she hasnt called or shown up so thinking that i may just book it all without her, i cannot rely on other people - but then i do say that people are a constant source of disappointment and in this instance looks like i could be right - im doing her a favour i wouldnt mind - she has never toured and asked if she could come with tell me, should i wait for her to get in touch or just do my own thing......???????

    Do my own thing i think.

    xxx Lizzy
    Last edited by Hot Lizzy; 27-12-08 at 17:00.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    No not coming then coming on the 13th and leaving two weeks later and then i may go on to see my darling Rodeoman in Galway. for a few days. Not sure yet - i would add that i am supposed to be going with a friend, she was supposed to come over this afternoon and go through all the stuff with me, she hasnt called or shown up so thinking that i may just book it all without her, i cannot rely on other people - but then i do say that people are a constant source of disappointment and in this instance looks like i could be right - im doing her a favour i wouldnt mind - she has never toured and asked if she could come with tell me, should i wait for her to get in touch or just do my own thing......???????

    Do my own thing i think.

    xxx Lizzy
    Do your own thing, Lizzy. I've always found the only one I can rely on is myself, and even then not all the time! Seriously, if this girl is asking you for your companionship, for support on her first trip, and then doesn't bother her fanny calling over as arranged, its a bad omen, and you'll be better off alone.
    I'm delighted with your dates, though, cos it means I'll finally get the chance to meet you. Happy New Year, Lizzy, and I'll see you around the 23rd or24th. Hope you have an enjoyable and profitable visit.

  9. #39
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by cantwell4 View Post
    Do your own thing, Lizzy. I've always found the only one I can rely on is myself, and even then not all the time! Seriously, if this girl is asking you for your companionship, for support on her first trip, and then doesn't bother her fanny calling over as arranged, its a bad omen, and you'll be better off alone.
    I'm delighted with your dates, though, cos it means I'll finally get the chance to meet you. Happy New Year, Lizzy, and I'll see you around the 23rd or24th. Hope you have an enjoyable and profitable visit.

    Get this, she did call me..........she said she would see me Saturday afternoon - she called me at around 6ish, call me old fashioned but would you say that was the afternoon - I most certainly would not......

    I have to say I am not sure whether i am bothered or not if she wants to come with me now - can't put my finger on why though - no i think i can - its called a woman intuition or gut feeling.

    Its a bad omen you are right but now she has said that when i have time she to let her know..........when i say afternoon i mean just that not evening........wouldnt you agree?

    xxx Lizzy

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
    Reg, Ron - ignore him - I do and thats what makes him mad.......still thats about the way that he is. What can i tell you all the men i saw loved what they saw especially one outfit but keeping that under raps........ xxx

    Don't have a go at Dolly cos she is a nice lady ......... guess she must be cream crackered not having slept last night - poor Dolly, bet you aren't feeling so great today. When you coming back to Ireland poppet.

    xxx Lizzy xxx
    whateva u say Lizbet luv yur wish is r command u know dat. but we woz hopin ta give dolly a ‘hard’ time but she d’ant come ta dear old london, pity dat as we would be only to appy ta raise r ole tower bridge in salute r troop our colours for the yank

    ere, hope dat outfit is not da secretary one, u know dats r favorite an we d'ant want no poxy paddies avin it away wiv u in dat

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