I agree with a lot of what you say Roryman. This is an adult site and that is maybe one reason why people might expect adults to behave adultly about adult material. The site was running the risk of decending into a schoolyard brawl scenario with bullying, name-calling, rival gangs and a lot of verbal shape throwing ( and that's a polite way of putting it). A lot of the stuff when getting very ott and nasty with supposedly personal information being used against people. We constantly hear plenty in the warning section about the level of threats, intimidation and actual violence against escorts out there, without this website being hijacked for the purposes of cyber intimidation.

Anyway enough of the serious material. I took your advice Roryman and grew myself a pair. Jesus girls, but you have no idea of the weight of the darned things.........I'm going to have to get a loan of some ballboys/girls from Wimbleton to carry them around for me.