Quote Originally Posted by lucy chambers View Post
Creative, as in turn up as a client to interview the escort? Or creative as pretend to be an escort and entrap clients? How far would you like this creative to go? Nonsense. Much better the gentleman asks politely for willing people. Or victims. Stop being so defensive it smacks of hysteria.

@Andy. I would be happy to have a chat, via email. Drop me a message and I can supply my email address.
You've completely taken my point out of context. Don't start talking garbage about entrapment and hysteria, I've suggested nothing to suggest so.

Of course you're willing to give him an interview, and I wonder what your view point on the subject is. Ridiculous, everyone knows your viewpoint as it something that directly affects you, so of course your view is easily dismissed by the opposing parties pushing for this law to be introduced.

To be honest, I've only given my opinion and it's a good one. Why? Because I know how things like this work. Escorts needn't get touchy because I'm speaking about a public matter, and suggesting the public got involved.

I'm not gonna bother talking about this again, as I'm coming off as some bad guy, because people aren't getting my points, or just don't wanna hear the truth. Sam was right when he said fair play to that guy because nobody else was doing anything and anyone that does is pushed aside. So you stick with that if you like, but the counter arguments sound terrible and are gaining no support. Either start thinking of coming from a different angle, or forget about it.

Pray all you want that I'm not part of your defence, but the people I've heard speak on the subject so far haven't exactly done it any favours. In fact, if it continues in the circle I referred too, surely the introduction of the law is a dead cert. Which is why I suggested bringing in objective third party views, both good and bad.